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Recipes with Bacon

Salads Cucumber Bacon Basilkum pesto ...

Boil the pasta and let it cool down. Cut chicken breast into strips and put them on a pan with oil and bake the bacon. Cut the cucumber in the tern and tomatoes in both. Put the pasta in a bowl and stir the pesto in the pasta. Bring cucumber, tomato, olive

Mains Pepper Salt Slice of carved cheese ...

Form the chopsticks and twist a slice of bacon around the steaks. Sprinkle with salt and pepper or other spices. Stir them for 25 - 30 minutes on just above medium heat. When the steaks are fried depending on whether they are cooked or not, lay the steaks in

Mains Handful sugar peas Cooking cream Bacon ...

Cut the vegetables and sweat in 2-3 oz. Cut bacon and add the dish, together with beef and crayfish. Must stand until the beef is browned. Then add the cream and let it stand for about 5 minutes on low flare. Season with salt and pepper (is not necessary in my

Salads Bacon Lemon juice Feld lettuce/leaf asks ...

Potatoes boil lightly and cool Then mixed together.

Mains Pepper Salt Milk ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees Cut the bacon piece and remove it Possibly be Cut the bacon piece into the tern and swits them golden on a pan. Add the onion and garlic and simmer for a few minutes. Add potatoes and step a few min. Whip the eggs together

Soups A fingertip Rosemary A good handful of pasta screws Meat and dumplings ...

First bake the bacon in a saucepan, cut the celery celery into slices and the onions are cut into the tern, then add the celery and loose, raise it for approx. 3 min. Under stirring. Add the peeled tomatoes to the pan and add a dumpling dice and 5 dl. Water bo

Mains Eggs Wheat flour Pepper ...

1. Dip the schnitzels together with whipped egg and turn into the mixture of rasp and flour, fry in 4-5 min each side. 2. Sauce: Onions, mushrooms and 2 slices of bacon chopped and swirled together. Broth and sherry added. The sauce is flavored, peeled and ad

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon cube ...

Roll a slice of bacon about each fillet. Put them in an ovenproof dish, possibly. Lined with baking paper and put them in the middle of the oven for 20 minutes, approx. At 250 degrees. Boil the pasta in plenty of lazy water. Season onions and mushrooms in the