Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Pepper Salt Turmeric, ground ...

The onion rives and forcemeat stirred together. A pot of water to the boil, turn down at the lowest burner and set dough balls with a teaspoon or Dessert spoon. When they come up to the surface is finished and taken up and placed on a plate, save the cookin

Mains Cream or creme fraiche White pepper Herbs-parsley, chives dill or thyme ...

Saute the scallions/leeks and garlic in a pan for a moment. Add lemon juice and bouillon and then mixed herbs-preferably fresh, but not necessarily all the aforesaid. Season with salt and pepper and smooth the sauce with a little cream or creme fraiche, it mus

Mains Wheat flour to jævning Suit Pepper ...

Sausage meat, onions, flour, milk and egg is stirred together as a real Meatball sausage meat, add salt and pepper as needed. Forcemeat is resting. Blend tomatoes and pour them in a roasting pan, and pour the mushrooms on top, this mix easily. Form the models

Mains 3-4 juice of limes Salt Chili pepper ...

Cut the fish into 24 equal pieces and put them in a porcelænsfad. Stir in lime juice and chili pepper together, pour the marinade over the fish and let it drag while they're making tamales-dough. Free corn flasks for subtending and soak them in hot water; d

Mains Chile to taste Grated cheese Tortilla pancakes ...

Pan without fat is turned on at full burner 1 tortilla on a bit of all ingredients on and a 1 tortilla on top. Flip when they get color and finished when the cheese is melted. Tips: tastes so good

Mains Chili powder Flute Greek yogurt ...

Mix 1/4-½ liter of Greek yogurt with 2 tablespoons of tandoorikrykkeri (can be purchased from the local greengrocer). Mix, if desired little chili powder and garlic in it (tandoori spice is a little strong in advance). The marinade is poured over the thawed ch

Mains Green curry paste Chicken breast Rice ...

Cut the chicken breast into strips and fry them in a wok with 2 tbsp green curry paste. When the chicken is completely done leaning to coconut milk over and give it a short rehash. The chicken should not simmer in coconut milk, it simply just warmed up in cour

Mains Corn Pepperoni/sausage of your choice Pizza dough (equivalent to 1 baking sheet) ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Pizza dough: make dough, use eg. a ½ serving of this recipe: a packet of corn flour pizza dough. When the dough is ready rolled out similar to the size of a baki