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Mains recipes

Mains Egg yolk Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

The breadcrumbs soaked in water. The other ingredients are added and forcemeat is stirred through. Forcemeat is added in a heat-proof platter. Tomato juice touched up with soy sauce poured over. Plantemargerine touched with 2 tbsp. parsley and 1 clove garlic

Mains Salt Pineapple. canning Garlic ...

Cook the rice. Roast bacon in a frying pan. Tenderloin cut into slices, knock, and Brown in a frying pan. Rice poured in a heat-proof platter, to be laid over the loin and peanuts and pineapple over powder on your partner. Cream, Curry, salt, pepper,

Mains Lemon Large sprig Rosemary Rich berberi-duck breasts of approx. 200 g ...

RIDs the duck breasts on the skin side in small squares and FRY then the breasts on the skins page, even heat in a frying pan ca. 5-7 min, then 1-2 is my on the other side. Breasts resting in a warm place, so they will be nice rosa. Crack rhubarb lengthw

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Butter a baking dish. Pour the beans and cauliflower mixture into the dish. Put cod fillets on top of the vegetables and season them with salt and pepper. Put a small knob of butter on top of each fillet. Squeeze a lemon and pour the hole over the vegetabl

Mains Butter BLOBs Onion Margarine ...

The sausage Brown in margarine, be taken up and the onions toasting. The sausage cut in slices and put into the appropriate base of a heat-proof dish, the Roasted Onion spread over. The potatoes are cooked tender for mashed potatoes, which is then spread out

Mains 1 cup water Onion Grated Zucchini ...

In a heat-proof platter added 2 lasagna sheets. After that be cut avocado & cooked potato into slices as well as half of the grated squash. Then added løgskiver & tomato slices. Now be second layer of lasagna sheets on and looked at the new avocado

Mains Cooked basmati rice Mango or lime chutney Salt ...

Chop the onions, and saute them in oil in a wide pan over direct heat until they are clear. Grate the ginger and garlic finely and chop the chili. Sauté ginger, garlic, chilli and all the spices with the onions in 1 min. Add the tomatoes, and let the sauce

Mains Water Pepper Eggs ...

Hvidkåls head is split into 4 quarters through the stalk. The stick is removed on each piece. The 4 pieces shared again lengthwise, then into thin slices and chop crosswise. White cabbage in a 7 l saucepan, which tilsætes approximately 1.5 litres of water a