Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Liquid margarine Curry Potatoes ...

potatoes, peeled and cut into slices. fish folded and placed over. Chopped onions and both of hard-boiled eggs are distributed over and seasoned with salt, pepper and curry powder. Allocated approximately 75 Gr. liquid margarine. The dish is covered with alumi

Mains Coarsely chopped peaches without juice Chopped tomatoes Hønseboullon ...

Onion, garlic and curry powder in a Pan fry. Broth, tomatoes and peaches granted. The soup must stand and simmer for 15 minutes, Blend the soup with a hand blender. Add piskefløden. Let simmer for additional 5 min. Serve with shrimp which is poured into

Mains Garlic Milk Pepper ...

Cleanse the pores and cut them into thin slices place them in a heat-proof platter. Clean the Mushrooms and cut them into slices and put them in a layer on top of the pores. Put the bacon over it all Slice the chicken fillets into strips or put them all

Mains Wheat flour Suit Pepper ...

Bacon, chopped onion and mushrooms into slices fried in the pan. Tenderloin cut into 2-3 cm thick slices the duty reversed off and the surface is tamped. Reversed then in flour, salt and pepper on a plate and shaken by. FRY on pan in butter until enough af

Mains Spices eg. Curry paprika Pasta screws according to taste Bouillon (chicken) cube ...

1. put the water on to pasta screws 1. Roast Turkey strips in pan seasoned with various spices to taste 2. cut the peberne out into small strips or firkaneter and Add pepper to Turkey and FRY for about 5 mins 3. Add a bit of boullionvand to Turkey Pot 4. w

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice. freshly squeezed ...

Fold the cod fillets and season. with salt and pepper. Fry the cod fillets 1 min. in olive oil on a medium-hot pan. Add water and lemon juice and steam the fish 5-6 min., covered, on low heat. Take the fish up and keep it warm. Halve the tomatoes, remove th

Mains Freshly squeezed orange juice Coarse salt Honey ...

Rice: Rinse the wild rice well. Bring water and salt to a boil in a saucepan and add the wild rice, stirring. Cook the rice over a low heat and under tight-fitting lid for approx. 40 min. they came loose rice in a pot of boiling water with salt. Cook the rice

Mains Ketchup Spaghetti ...

Start by putting your thumb and forefinger around the spaghetti. Now you have to 2-3 persons. Take a medium-sized saucepan and pour 2 cm higher than the middle. Put spaghetti loner into the dish. Let the spaghetti Cook, and when it is half cooked, you must put