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Mains recipes

Mains Salt Pepper Margarine ...

1. Form the meat into 4 patties. 2. Sprinkle the steaks with salt and pepper. 3. Fry the steaks 3-4 minutes on each side. 4. Behind the burger buns. 5. Prepare stuffing and dressing. 6. Crack burger buns. On under the bread roll be stuffing and dressing.

Mains Freshly ground pepper The butter and the oil can be replaced by becel liquid Wheat flour ...

Came the flesh in a bowl and stir it cool with salt. Peel the onion and grate it finely on a grater. Put it in the forcemeat. Stir in pepper and flour in. Beat the egg out and stir it in also. stir in milk, a little at a time and mix everything well together.

Mains Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Sauté the minced beef along with the finely chopped onion, add the finely chopped bell peppers and tomato puree '. season with salt, pepper and oregano and pour broth by. Let kødsovsen tingle about 10 minutes, let it get cold. 2 sheets puff pastry roll out a

Mains Broccoli Snack pepper Brussels sprouts ...

Chicken fillets out in steam boiler in the lower container. All the vegetables are cleaned, cut into smaller pieces and put it in the steam kogerens the upper container. There are, of course, poured water into the container and steam boiler is set to 35 minute

Mains Tomato puree Oil Salt ...

Cut the meat into small pieces. Com salt in the water and cook the meat and bone in 20-30 minutes. The potatoes are peeled, washed and cut into cubes. Boil potatoes 20 minutes in a pan without salt in the water. Chop onion, chili and Ginger into very sma

Mains Pepper Parsley Chives ...

Peel and grate the courgetten coarsely, sprinkle with salt and place it in a sieve for about ½ hour. Then the liquid from the cloud. Chop the onion very finely grate the gulerodden and mix it all together. Feta, flour and eggs mixed in. Then pureløg, chopp

Mains Blandene small salads URf.eks. Mangold and feld salad and mustard leaves Salt Basil ...

Mix salt and milk, and flour in this term. Stir together, then add the eggs one at a time, and stir it all together. Fault basilikummen, picking leaves from the stems, and joined them in a blender with the dough, and blend to a smooth dough. Style the cold

Mains Some soy sauce Some water The deadly frying sauce ...

Method: 1. Heat the on on 175 degrees. 2. Wash your hands and find your ingredients 3. Set the water over in a saucepan the stove with the potatoes in. 4. Cut the onion and the garlic press. 5. Fry the onion and the garlic. 6. Cut open the Te