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Vitello tonnato caldo (Hot veal in tunsauce)

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 6 portion(s)

Ingredients for Vitello tonnato caldo (Hot veal in tunsauce)

Juice of 1 lemon sieved
1stemLeaf celery
1.75dlDry white wine
100gTuna in oil from canned prepared and shared in flakes
3tbspOlive oil
4Ansjosfiletter in oil drained
4Drained and chopped cornichons
800gCalf lump or – pork

Instructions for Vitello tonnato caldo (Hot veal in tunsauce)

To prepare the Vitello tonnato caldo (Hot veal in tunsauce) recipe, please follow these instructions:

Heat the butter and oil in a frying pan, Brown veal in it everywhere, turn frequently. Season with salt and pepper and cook 5 minutes more. Pour the wine and boil until it has evaporated. Add the carrot and celery and pour the 1 ¾ dl. water in. Put a lid on and simmer at low heat for 1 ½ hour, turn it on and off.

Click at the same time, ansjosfiletterne. Mix the anchovies, tuna, pickles and lemon juice in a bowl.

Take the meat out of the Pan when it is tender. Remove carrot and celery, pour tunblandingen into the Pan and stir it together with juices. Cut the meat into fairly thin slices, put them on a hot serving dish and pour out the warm tunsauce of.