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Recipes with Tomatoes

Mains Basil Oil Pepper ...

Rinse and dry poul standards. Came a handful of Basil in each poulard along with 3-4 stalks of parsley and a small knob of butter. Close with the kødnåle or binding with cotton yarn. Season with salt and pepper and butter fat out of breast and thigh. Put the f

Mains White pepper Salt Chicken broth (bouillon cube + water) ...

Poul standards cleaned well. Freed from the skin. The 4 poulard breasts and a bit of lårkødet is cut of, plumped out, placed on a buttered piece of parchment paper. Mushrooms, dill and onion chopped fine, sauté in butter tilsmages with salt and pepper, cool

Mains Oil el. butter for frying Juice of 1 lemon Basil ...

Part poularden in 6-8 pieces and brown them in the fat in a frying pan or Saute pan. Chicken, bleep and udkern tomatoes. Chop them roughly and came to them by the chicken. Add water, garlic, salt and pepper and let the right roast 45 min's mushrooms and Pearl

Mains Pepper Juice of 1 lemon Salt ...

Poularden cutting area in 4 parts, which are dried thoroughly with a well-wrung cloth. The tomatoes are washed by scratches in the cross, be placed in boiling water for a moment and skinned. The bottom is cut off, the seeds are pressed softly out, and the toma

Mains Duck fat and olive oil Brown sugar Chili sauce ...

Rose poussinerne in a pan together with thyme, onion and the crushed juniper berries, in approximately 20 minutes. Let rest for 10 minutes before poussinerne breast and thighs cut off for serving. Cut the madæblerne in both and fry them in duck fat and oliv

Mains Mushrooms A little milk A little flour ...

Poussinerne be placed on a rack over baking pan, Brown at 225 degrees and FRY then at 180 degrees for 40 minutes to 1 hour. Seasoned with salt and pepper. For the sauce Sauté accompaniments of butter, seasoned with Rosemary, salt and pepper, and flour sprinkle

Mains Pepper Salt Oak leaf lettuce ...

Tomato concassé: remove the stems from the tomatoes with a small knife. Came the tomatoes in boiling water for about 30 games sec. and then in cold water. Now can the skin easily removed. Cut the tomatoes into quarters and remove the seeds out. Chop the tomato

Soups Lemon Pepper Parsley ...

All vegetables are cleaned and carrot, parsley root, cabbage and celery cut into thin slices. Squash'en, Aubergine and the peeled potatoes cut into cubes, pebrene into strips and tomatoes into slices. All vegetables, except potatoes, tomatoes and peppers, s