Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Tomatoes

Salads Salt Oil Water ...

Cut the asparagus in ca. 2 cm long pieces. Peel Kaikan, and cut it and the other ingredients into cubes. Mix everything with the dressing. The dressing: mix the oil and water with lemon juice flavored with salt.

Salads Freshly ground pepper Salt Chili pepper ...

Cut the tomatoes into thin boats, onions into thin rings and the cucumber into thin slices. Got them in a salad bowl and mix them with all the other ingredients. Serve immediately. This fresh salad is an excellent accessory for practically all meals, but lends

Salads Pepper Parsley, fresh Lemon, the juice of which ...

Pour water over bulguren and allow to stand for about 20 minutes, to bulguren are soft and have absorbed something of væden. Pour the water from which is not absorbed. Combine bulgur, onions in thin both, tomatoes in small pieces, cucumber, diced, bell pepp

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Bulguren boil in salted water for 10 minutes. Pour the water off. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and mix them with bulgur wheat, parsley, mint, fintsnittet spring onions and olive oil. Season with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Put the washed lettuce leaves

Salads Pepper Salt Mustard ...

Arrow ægggene and share them in slices on an egg sharing. Rinse the salad, swirl the leaves dry and picking them. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into strips. Pour væden from artichoke bottoms and cut them into quarters. Arrow and finely chop the onion and garl

Salads Sea salt Pepper Butter ...

Pour a little sea salt in a bowl and dissolve it with fruit vinegar. Season with pepper and add sunflower oil. Spires is given a short rehash and placed in ice water. Afdryppes and mix with salad sauce. Peel the asparagus and boil them until tender and crisp i

Salads Freshly ground pepper A little Basil parsley or Cress Just a little offended currants ...

Peel the carrots and grate them. cut the tomatoes into slices and chop the peeled onion. Peel the cucumber, cut it lengthwise and remove the seeds through out. Cut the cucumber into smaller pieces. Rinse the salad and swirl the completely free of moisture befo

Salads Bean sprouts Lemon juice Curry ...

Blend kyllingkødet or chop it very thoroughly. Stir the dressing of the junket, Curry, paprika, salt and pepper. Taste it to. Arrow mandarins, white they are fresh, or let them drain away, if they are from canned. Cut the tomatoes in both. Mix mandarin b