Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Suit Salt Water ...

The beef cut is cut into the tern and browned on a hot forehead. Cook the meat tenderly covered with water about 45 minutes. (Remember to get salt in the water) Put the meat to the side when boiled. Save the cooking water. Arrow and chop the onions nicely.

Mains Curry Mexican spice Oregano, dried ...

Sprinkle the spinach and chop it roughly with a knife. Stir the turkey or chicken strips golden in a little oil and curry. Sauce: Chop the sauce and season with a little oil in a saucepan. Bring the tomatoes in the onions together with cream, milk, toma

Soups Salt Chopped Basil Minced parsley ...

Beans and peas are taken out of the skull. The beans are cooked easily. The remaining portion of vegetables are cleaned and cut into smaller pieces. The loop is cut into small terns. The pear in thin slices. Celery, carrots, squash and potatoes are cut into un

Soups Pepper Salt Finely chopped Basil ...

Squash flushed and cut into slices. Onions and garlic pilles. The lid is cut into fine tern, white-laid pressed. The whole, except 2 tablespoons of onion, is sautéed in the pot without burning. Now add the broth and season with salt and pepper. The whole is bo

Soups Salt Broth Garlic pressed ...

Arrow slipped and cut into fine tern. Sauté it about 3 min. In 2 tablespoons butter. Spinate ribs and rinse well. Heat the pot until it just drops. Broth and onions are added and the soup is warmed through and squeezed garlic. The soup is seasoned with pepper

Lunch Pepper Dried Marjoram Salt ...

Crumble the cold butter in the flour until it looks like the fried cheese. Add salt and cold water and knead the dough lightly. Leave it in the fridge for at least 1 hour, so it can last up to a couple of weeks. Arrow and chop onion and garlic. Brown the me

Mains Pepper Eggs Small fresh chili ...

The margarine is melted in a saucepan. The milk is added. The yeast is poured into the lukewarm milk. Reef potatoes added. Bring salt and pepper in. The flour is added slightly at a time to appropriate consistency. The dough is kneaded well and raises 30 minut

Mains Fill 1 Fill 2 Wheat flour ...

Lun milk for hand warm. Whip the eggs and stir the yeast. Add salt and oil. Eat as much flour as it needs. The problem with Turkish recipes is that there is no goal and weight, but one guess is that it is about 600 g flour + -. Eel the dough smoothly and