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Recipes with Mushroom

Sides Chopped Basil Olive oil Pepper ...

Rinse mushrooms thoroughly under water. Cut the stem off. Turn the mushrooms in olive oil, and set them on the forehead with his head down. Sprinkle with basil, salt and pepper. Rose at very low heat, until the juice rises. Serve.

Mains Pepper Salt Butter or oil for frying ...

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into cubes. Stir the tuna with eggs, mushrooms, bread crumbs, cream and chopped dill. Season with salt and pepper. Form forcemeat for Dor and fry them in the Pan in a little fat. Tips: Is good the next day, cold, for the

Mains Bacon, sliced Barbequesauce Chili sauce (ajvar/salsa/pesto)-depending on the strength ...

Bacon slices fried. Mushroom Kaelin and cut into cubes, then FRY on the forehead. The onions cut into cubes. Barbequesauce and cream mix. The ingredients put in a plate in the following order: Chicken, mushrooms, onions, peanuts, sauce mixture, bacon. Cou

Appetizers 3-4 tbsp. water Fat for baking Salt ...

Whisk all the ingredients together for a not too thick, klumpfri pancake. Let dough rest at least a 1/2 hour in the refrigerator. Pipe the dough through and baby possibly. a little more fluid in, if the dough is too thick. Melt the fat for baking. Pour a litt

Mains Oil Chives Curry ...

champignonen the notch and place in the minced pork. Chives cut into small pieces, oregano, thyme, Rosemary, minced finely and place in the pig meat. 2 tbsp breadcrumbs are mixed at the end of the pig meat. Let stuffing stand for about 10 min. then forcemeat i

Mains Hot chilli sauce Peeled tomatoes Green peppers ...

Hamburgerrygen cut into slices approximately 1 cm. Chanpignonerne cleaned and cut into four pieces. The peppers cleaned and cut into strips. Piskefløden whipped into whipped cream and mix with chilisacuce at will. The meat is placed in a baking dish and cov

Appetizers Sour cream 9% Mushroom Garlic ...

arrow stem of all the mushrooms and remove the/flush the soil of. Remote shell and squeeze the garlic into the sour cream, taste on the pressure, possibly. a little more garlic in. put a dollop of white cream into the hole of champignonen and serve. Tips:

Mains Peas Pepper Provencekryderi ...

The meat cut into cubes Peppers and onions into fine strips garlic finely chopped button mushrooms, sliced Bacon svites golden brown in pan and put up Add a little more olive oil or liquid mortgage margarine pepper, onion, garlic and sauté of chicken in