Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Mushroom

Mains Bacon, if desired. Ham strips Assorted spices Fresh basil ...

Read the recipe through before use: Arrow the onions and the garlic, wash mushrooms and tomatoes. Cut them all just fine or coarse to taste. Chop the bacon into pieces according to how large you want them. Heel oil in the Pan and let it become hot. Put the o

Mains Jævning Salt Curry ...

Cut the meat into cubes and Brown it in half of the fat. Cut the cleaned Leek into slices. Peel the apples (remove core House) and cut them into small pieces. Saute the leeks, apples and Curry in the rest of the fat. Came the meat in the Pan and pour the broth

Sides Oil for brushing Milk Black pepper ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees Celsius. Scrub the potatoes. The potatoes evenly pricked with a fork, and then brushed with oil. Put the potatoes on a rack, and behind them approximately 1 ½ hour in the oven. Low filling while. Cut into cubes and chop the

Sides Pesto Grated cheese Oil ...

Mushrooms, cleaned. Saute the halved mushrooms FRY in hot oil until they are golden. Pestoen be turned around in the mushrooms, and then poured in a baking dish. Sprinkle the grated cheese over and then cakes in the oven at 200 gr. The cheese should be mel

Mains URf.eks. all round spice Pepper Rice ...

4 tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms and onions cut into fine cubes and sauté in the pan. Like in this order: Onion-mushroom-cucumber-tomato When it is golden, add the peeled tomatoes and then garlic. Season with salt and booed-and possibly. other spices accor

Mains Margarine for frying Paprika Pepper ...

Aromatic koteletterne m/paprika, salt and pepper. Saute the onions in a pan and sour cream came by. pour the cream, bouillion and tomatoes purre on and let it come to a boil. Taste for salt and pepper medd. Pour the deet all over koteletterne, came in a 225-d

Appetizers A little cayenne pepper Salt Fish bouillonterning ...

Arrow the prawns. Chop the onion and parsley, cut the mushrooms into slices and peppers into dice. Chicken and tomato Peel. Slice the tomato flesh into cubes. Heat a sauté pan up to medium heat. Melt 2-3 tablespoons butter in the Pan and fry the onion and b

Soups Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Chop the onions, mushrooms, bell peppers and slice the leeks and carrots into slices. Sauté the meat in a large pot (3.5-4 liter). Mix the onion and mushrooms in the pot with the paprika. Add the canned tomatoes and Bouillon, and the soup boils up. When soup b