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Recipes with Mushroom

Mains Pepper Salt Squash ...

Smoked medists and vegetables are cut into slices. Put in a greased fireproof dish. Make sure that there is food to cover storage due to evaporation. Stir in the court along the way so the top layers do not burn. tips: The dish can be made cheap or you

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon ...

The chops are seasoned with salt and pepper and roasted in margarine. Put in a fireproof dish. Flour is added to the steak and a baked sauce is made of mushroom water, peeled tomatoes and cream. If the sauce is too thick add a little milk. The drip mushrooms s

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chicken into strips and cocktail sausages into smaller pieces. Step both on a preheated pan in oil. Cut the onions and mushrooms into pieces and add them. Let it all roast 5 minutes. Heat a pan and pour a little oil at the bottom. Pour the contents fr

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Stir the meat with salt. Chop the garlic and stir it in the meat with rasp, egg and pepper. Let it rest. Sprinkle mushrooms into quarters and put them on a pan without fat until they are dark and have tendered. While mushroom steaks, tomato sauce is prepared.

Mains EVS. a small piece of blue mold cheese White wine Eggs ...

Here is an easy recipe that is just to go to. Cook onion, barcon and mushrooms on a pan while the pasta boils. When the pasta is boiled, pour all of the water and put the cream and bacon mixture into the pasta and heat it up after pouring egg, white wine

Mains Dill Lobster pasta Salt ...

The mushrooms are cleaned, cut into slices and swirled in a little butter. The seafood mixture is boiled in white wine for 5 minutes and taken up. Mushrooms are served in the soup with flour and whipped cream. Add some lobster paste, let it boil well. Caref

Mains Pepper Whole red peppers Potatoes ...

Sliced ​​spring onion in fine rings and the red pepper in thin strips clean the campignon and cut them in slices clean for fat and tendons cut it into thin strips and brown it well in a saucepan add all spices and vegetables and warm it well through Then add 2

Mains Cinnamon stick Pepper Salt ...

The meat is divided into large terns that are well-groomed in olive oil. Onion and pepper fruit in coarse tern is added and brined with crushed garlic. When all is well browned add the other ingredients, except beans, pearls and mushrooms, boil on low heat