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Recipes with Chives

Sides Basil (preferably fresh) Cream fraice Dill (preferably fresh) ...

Blend all ingredients in the cream fraicen or only some of the herbs according to taste. Browse to your own mixture by tilsmagning. Tips: Perfect as a cold sauce-for potatoes, vegetables (wok)-got a piece of meat ...

Mains Pepper Chives Salt ...

Arrow the onion, Peel carrots and potatoes and cut them into slices. Margarine is melted in the Pan and Brown the onions lightly. Spices, water, carrots, potatoes and tomato puree is poured in and the right spin, covered in 30-40 min until potatoes are tende

Soups Pepper Chives Salt ...

heat oil in a pan Add the vegetables Add the broth and let it cook for small vegetables are tender blend soup and add piskefløden cook it up and season with salt and pepper Tips: bacon cubes and chives in before serving eat bread for

Mains Pepper Parsley Chives ...

Peel and grate the courgetten coarsely, sprinkle with salt and place it in a sieve for about ½ hour. Then the liquid from the cloud. Chop the onion very finely grate the gulerodden and mix it all together. Feta, flour and eggs mixed in. Then pureløg, chopp

Mains Black pepper (about 400 g) peeled tomatoes Chives ...

Arrow to sample and share them on along. Cut them in half, on the other part. Peel the potatoes and cut them into not too thinly. Heat fat in a large frying pan and Brown potato slices 5 min. Add the onions and season with salt and pepper. Let the tomatoes d

Appetizers Eggs Lemon Lemon juice ...

-Chop the cucumber finely, sprinkle with salt and let it drag ½ hour -Soak husblasen in cold water -Stir in sour cream and mayonnaise together -Wipe the cucumber dice and mix them in together with finely chopped onions and eggs -To taste with tabasco sauce

Appetizers Good bread Pepper Salt ...

Set the oven at 180 degrees C. Scary dress cod into smaller pieces and blend it for 2 minutes in a food processor along with the salt, pepper and eggs Add flour and cream and blend for another 1 minute. Com wax paper in a 7.5 dl. form. Com half of fiskef

Appetizers Watercress or dill Pepper Salt ...

Cook the macaroni according to the requirements and let it cool off. Steam fiskefiletterne tender. Thaw the shrimp up. Arrow eggs. Celery cut into very thin slices. White cabbage cut into very thin strips. Mayonnaise, sour cream and oil stirred together and se