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Recipes with Chives

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Chives ...

Mash the smoke and stir the lind with cream or cremefraiche. Add finely sliced ​​radishes, finely chopped celery and chopped garlic or spring onions. Season with salt and pepper and server with coarse rye bread or crispbread.

Mains Good bread New potatoes Pepper ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Put the salmon fillet in a large refractory dish. Chop the fennel seeds with a knife or bump them roughly into a mortar. Brush the salmon with oil and sprinkle with fennel, pepper and salt. Behind the salmon 20 min. in the

Appetizers Lemon Cremefarice Dill ...

Start with the Roulad, which is baked in good time, as it will have time to cool off. Pour butter and flour together into a pan. Sprinkle with milk and cream while still whipping and cook for a few minutes. Take the pot off the heat. Pour all the vinegar f

Lunch Chives Cucumbers Mayonnaise ...

Step the bacon and place it on greasy paper. The crust is cut by the toast bread and the bread is cut to fit in a spring shape about 27 cm. In diameter. Push the bread lightly with the hand for each stock built up. Build in different layers as follows: Bre

Mains Sour cream Dill Cress ...

The salmon should preferably be fresh if it has been frozen, it should be thawed before starting. Put a piece of staniol on the table, long enough to enclose the fish, preferably a bit extra. Put the fish on the stanol and squeeze lemon over it. Sprinkle salt

Salads Lemon juice Salt Black pepper ...

Udvand matjesfiletterne, let them drain and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Peel the cucumber and halve it lengthwise. Scrape seeds out and slice the cucumber into thin slices. Peel the apples, remove the seeds and cut flesh into thin slices also. Drip a litt

Breakfast & brunch Basil A few sksk milk A little oil for frying ...

Whisk eggs, seasonings and milk together with a fork. Heat a frying pan up, like a sliplet pan, if not, add the oil. Pour the egg mixture on the forehead when the oil is hot. Crumble the cheese over just before omeletten is finished. Fold in half and let th

Salads Pepper Salt Chives ...

The cooked and cooled and peeled potatoes mixed with small florets raw cauliflower and sliced radish. Chives be cut over. The juice of the adhesive is stirred together with other ingridienser and mix gently into the salad Tips: Served with grilled fish an