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Recipes with Chives

Cold cuts Mayonnaise Skinte, diced Chives ...

Chop hammer tern, red pepper, onion and onions. Mix it with the mayonnaise.

Salads Pepper Chives Salt ...

Stir mayonnaise, red wine vinegar, salt, pepper, garlic salt together, then mix the milk in a little while until the dressing has a suitable consistency. Dressing must pull approx. ½ hour. Meanwhile, cut potatoes and radishes into slices, the cucumber is c

Mains Pepper Salt Chives ...

The onions are peeled and chopped well. If using bayese or barbecue sausages, cut them into slices, as well as the boiled potatoes. The onions are sliced ​​in grease, sausages and potatoes are added and swabbed. Tomato puree is poured and the dish is cooked by

Appetizers Cherry tomatoes Sour cream Coarse mustard ...

The fish is picked free of skin and legs. Turn with cream fraiche, onion, mustard and pepper. Season with salt, but make sure the fish is salt in its own right. Appointed as "egg" on the bottom of the salad. Decorate with balsamicoglace and possibly. lum

Appetizers Freshly ground pepper Crushed garlic Chives ...

Cut the tomatoes into slices and put them in a half-deep dish. Whip the marinade together and taste it well. Pour it over the tomatoes. Decorate with strips of finely chopped garlic and finely chopped onions. Preferably ½-1 hour before severing. The tomato

Appetizers Asparagus Shrimp Chives ...

Put the smoked salmon on the baking soda to form a bottom, stir the cream of chives, chopped chives and the peeled finely chopped apples together, put the filling on the bottom of the smoked salmon and roll it together and fold the baking paper to form a roula

Mains Chili powder Pepper Chives ...

Boil the potatoes Cut them into slices or small pieces according to light Meanwhile you can make dressing Cut into very small tern and chop them in a bowl, cut or chop the garlic into small pieces, mix the cream of mayonnaise, oil, chili powder, (after tast

Mains Ketchup Spices as you'd like, I'm using paprika, garlic, salt, pepper, a little chili Paprika ...

Start making dressing, just pour it all together and taste it. Cut out the vegetables as you would like them to be. Sweat the beef and when it is browned, add the onions and spices. Make the rice and let them pull while the rice dish is finished. Add all t