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Recipes with Bay leaf

Soups Chives Salt Bay leaf ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into small pieces and pores out. Came the vegetables in the roaster and pour the broth at gennemfugtede. Put the soup in the Pan and cook the soup may at 220 degrees for 45 minutes or as long as the potatoes are blended easily. B

Soups Red wine Salt Bay leaf ...

Share ox tails into smaller pieces and add to soup along with Laurel leaf, visken, water and salt in the gennemfugtede roaster. Subcutaneous fat onion with cloves and peppercorns and put it into the pan. Cook the soup at 220 degrees in 2-2 ½ hour to the tails

Sides Salt Bay leaf Apple juice or red currant juice ...

It's easy to make rødkålen in a roaster, as the suits themselves throughout cooking time. Average rødkålen and came in the gennemfugtede roaster. Arrow the onion and lard it with cloves and bay leaf. Grate the Apple roughly, and it came in rødkålen. Add salt a

Mains Parsley Salt Vinegar ...

Buy the fish bone or udben it and cut it into pieces of approx. 6 cm. 's length. Arrow the largest stalks of parsley and chop it coarsely. Mix it with butter and a little salt and put this on the inside of the fish's fill. Roll the pieces together and hold the

Mains Salt Water Bay leaf ...

Clean the fish and place the fish in the gennemfugtede roaster. Pour the vinegar and water so much know that fish is just covered. Add salt and peppercorns and place the bay leaf on top. Boil the fish approx. 45 minutes at 200 degrees. Pour the fish broth from

Mains Pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

Cut the meat into cubes and chop packed coarsely. Mix it and it came in the bottom of the roaster gennemfugtede. Advantage the small-minded herbs over. Subcutaneous fat onion with juniper berries and bay leaf and sprinkle the spices in. Pour the water on and l

Mains Salt Bay leaf Paprika ...

Arrow the onions and chop them roughly. Sauté them in the fat in a frying pan. Slice the lamb meat into cubes and brown them in the fat. Pour white wine and it came over in the gennemfugtede roaster. Share the tomatoes into quarters, udsten the black olives an

Mains Lemon juice Wheat flour Suit ...

If the ham is salted, it should not be necessary to dilute it, but the butcher must be consulted about this. Put the ham in a large roaster and pour about ¾ moisturised through l. water at. Sauté the finely chopped onion in the fat in the Pan and got the red w