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Recipes with Bay leaf

Soups Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Sauté the vegetables in oil for a few minutes, after which the paprika sprinkled over. Mix it well and pour the lentils and broth in. Add the bay leaf, salt and pepper, and cook until everything is tender, approximately ½ hour. Purer soup and warm it up. Lemon

Mains Pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

The meat is mixed with spices and formed into 4 rolls. Twist the bacon on. Brown rollers in the oil and fry them for about 20 min. Cook the pan of broth, add the bay leaf and tumatpure and smooth with maizenamel there is udrørt in a little cold water. Season w

Soups Pepper Salt Celery ...

Melt the fat in a soup pot and saute the meat in it. Clean the celery and cabbage and cut it fine. Sauté it well into the pan. Add the mustard and crumbled bay leaf. Pour broth and soy, and season with salt and pepper. Let Cook about 10 min. 's pores and cut t

Mains URf.eks. cauliflower squash and carrots Salt Bay leaf ...

Share the chicken into eighths. Boil the broth, sherry, spices and salt together in a wide-bottomed pan. Put the chicken pieces in the hot boiling brine and cook them about ½ hour until they are cooked through. Take chicken pieces up and down arrow skins by. W

Mains Pepper Herbal salt Bay leaf ...

Share the cleaned chicken in pieces, loosen the skin at the edges 4-6 and arrow it of. Stir in a marinade of olive oil, herbal salt, pepper, garlic, finely chopped onion, crushed bay leaf and cloves. Pour the marinade over the chicken pieces and let them cool

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Cut the chicken into 10 pieces. Dissolve bouillon cube in 1 ¼ liter of water. Cut the ham into cubes, rinse and cut celery, onions, shallots and garlic into fine slices. Heat the butter and 1 tbsp. olive oil in a cast iron pan. Grøntsagsskiverne came in and st

Mains Wheat flour Oil Pepper ...

Chicken clean cutting area, turned over in the flour salt and pepper, and Brown in a mixture of butter and oil. Sauté onion and garlic along with the chicken. Add the white wine, broth, tomato puree, chopped parsley, thyme and bay leaf and let the right sim

Mains Flutes Pepper Cognac ...

The chicken in the cutting of 6-8 pieces. Battle it out cut into small dice, sauté well in a saucepan and Brown the chicken pieces addressed in the rendered fat, the fat is poured off. Cognac is poured over chicken and ignite (remember to switch off the hood).