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Recipes with Bay leaf

Mains Coarse salt White wine vinegar Oil ...

Put a cut along the length of fillets must, open them and cut them into three pieces each. Heat the oil up with herbs. Brown tenderloin pieces well. Put them in a baking dish and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Advantage of a nice layer of allioli on each pi

Mains Pepper Salt Celery into cubes ...

Put brislerne in cold water 1 hour. Got them in boiling water 2-3 min, rinse them in cold water and rid them of membranes, oars and other impurities. Let fat be golden in trykkogeren. Brown first the entire thymus pieces herein, so that they peeled onions, car

Mains Cayenne Minced parsley Wheat flour ...

They came diced Shallots along with bay leaf, Thyme and Pepper in the wine and cook it in a quarter of an hour. Com Espagnole sauce in it, let it stand over quite low fire for 20 minutes and the gravy is stirred with it. si Kødsky and lemon juice, and eventual

Mains Dill Carrot Bay leaf ...

Came the meat in a large pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil and foam. Add the herbs and some salt and let the meat Cook for low heat to it loosens from the leg cooking time can vary from 1 to 2 hours. Take meat and herbs up. Boil potatoes until tender i

Mains Pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

Put the beans in cold water 1/2 day time. Slice the meat and pork in bite-sized pieces. Allow the oil to be hot in the pressure pot. Saute the first pork and onion in it, so pieces of meat. Pour the water from the beans and iblødsætnings came to the Pan along

Sauces Leaves from 1 small sprig thyme Pepper Salt ...

Chop the onion finely and saute it in oil to the pieces are soft and slightly Golden. Squeeze the garlic into, along with the finely chopped chilli. Saute about 30 seconds and then add the tomatoes, cut into quarters, and the herbs. Cook with lid approx. 10 mi

Mains Bay leaf Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Cut the beef in 3-4 cm. wide arrow onions, Peel the carrots and cut them into slices. Tie a string on the parsley, thyme and Bay leaves. It all out in a large bowl, possibly in a plastic bag and the red wine poured over, and marinate at least 4-6 hours, prefer

Soups Dill Salt Celery Green ...

Do the herbs able and findel them. chop the Green rough. It came together with the fish in the gennemfugtede roaster. Hugs Laurel leaf very finely and mix it with water, which poured over the fish. Boil the soup approximately 45 minutes at 220 degrees. Tag fis