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Recipes with Bay leaf

Mains Fresh basil Pepper Salt ...

Cover the couscous with boiling water and allow it to drag for 5 minutes. Eject the water and loosen them with a fork. Fold the eggplant along and scratch it into the cutting surface. Distribute laurel leaves, garlic and a little salt in one half. Put the eg

Soups Pepper Salt Leek (green) ...

Enables the chicken. Divide it into 6-8 pieces. Arrow and chop onion and garlic. Melt the butter in a pan and let the onions and garlic spin on low heat 5 min. Add the rice, let it all spin for another 5 minutes. Sprinkle with the water and put the ch

Soups Hokkaido Ras-el-hanout (mixture of allspice-cayenne-cinnamon-ginger-coriander-cloves-pepper, etc.) Lemon oil (olive oil with lemon flavor) ...

Hokkaidoen cut into cubes, peeled and seeds taken from. Hokkaido cubes cooked in water that just covers in 20-30 my. Meanwhile, cut the onion into small cubes and pour into the pan with the oil mixture. While it starts to sizzle, add the almonds (preferably p

Mains Freshly ground white pepper Pepper Salt ...

Low boiling bed sheet by pouring white wine, water, peppercorns, Bay leaves and salt in saucepan and bring to the boil. Steam the fish in boiling bed sheet, covered, for about 20 minutes and remove the flesh from the leg up unwrap and cut it into 8 pieces. put

Soups A lovage leaf or 0.5 TSP. dried Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

The vegetables cut into small pieces and cooked with spices, gathered in a may, until completely tender. Remove soup may and bay leaf, let it all cool slightly for the can are blended or blended. Warm the soup and season with salt and pepper. Came a tablesp

Soups Rosemary Cream fraice 38% Bay leaf ...

Cut the cleaned Leek into thin rings along with the peeled onion and sauté in oil, both without taking colour. Tomatoes and broth came by with bay leaf and Rosemary, and let the soup tingle for even heat about 15 mins. Cool the soup a bit and purer or blend

Mains Sour cream or cream Extra garlic Suit ...

The chicken is split out into smaller pieces. Battle it clipped free of rind and cut into narrow strips that fry with small peeled onion. When this becomes Golden added chicken pieces in with white onion into slices and the whole Brown well in some minutes.

Sauces Freshly ground pepper Salt Cayenne pepper ...

In a thick-bottomed saucepan met the chopped chalotteløg, chopped tarragon, chopped Chervil leaves, a little thyme, a little salt, bay leaf, pepper and tarragon vinegar and white wine. Let it boil and cool. You do not have time/patience, can this point be repl