Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bay leaf

Mains Lemon juice A little sugar Carnations ...

Soup: Start in good time (in the morning) boiling a chicken soup. Stitch 3-4 cloves in the loose. Put it in a saucepan and pour water until the loaf is covered and put the pot on the flare. Slice the two carrots in fine slices and get along (possibly roasting

Soups Balsamic vinegar Olive oil Pasta ...

- Chop the vegetables (carrot, onion, celery) on a cutting board - Put them in a large saucepan in a little olive oil for approx. 5 min. - Put tomatoes, chili, oregano, thyme, basil and bay leaves in and cook for 30 minutes. (Remember to stir in the soup) -

Mains Pepper Salt Small celeriac ...

Blend garlic with fried tomatoes Cut the bacon into the tern. Prepare the vegetables: chop them roughly except the peppers to be chopped well. Brown the beef well. (It always starts to boil when the juice runs off, but finally fry when the liquid is b

Soups Bread Pepper Grated cheese (preferably parmesan) ...

First, clean all vegetables. Onions, carrots and pears are cut into small cubes and placed in a bowl. Cauliflower cut into small bouquets, pepper fruit cut into tern, celery in fine slices (½ cm thick). The three parts are put in another bowl. Pour the oil

Mains Corn flour sauce thickens (white) Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chicken breast for approx. 2 cm. Strip and peel it in olive oil so they are light brown on all sides, then add finely chopped garlic and onions. Stir thoroughly until they begin to take a little color. Then add all the peppers and turn well around a mi

Mains Cayenne pepper Herbes de provence Curry ...

Onions, mushrooms and pepperoni are cut into cubes and placed in a dish with lid. Crumble the brothel and cook it. Garlic added as whole fat. All other ingredients are added and mixed well. Put the chicken in the dish and part of the filling is stuffed into th

Mains Honey Curry Chicken broth/cube ...

Bring the chicken in about 5 dl of boiling water, or it just covers. Put laurel leaves and crushed chicken broth in, together with onions cut into quarters. Bring some salt and pepper in and simmer for the chicken pieces are tender. Save 4-5 dl of soup. Cut th

Mains EVS. 1 dl. cream Pepper Salt ...

Cut the meat into strips and cut the smoked bacon into cubes. Shallow and piled shallots. Peel carrots and celery and cut the carrots in coins and celery in cubes. Melt the butter golden and grate the bacon cubes in it. Add the meat and onion and leave it b