Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bay leaf

Mains Pepper Salt Culotte 1.2 – 1.5 kg at (possibly 1 cuvette) ...

Bring the culotte into a non-large saucepan with soup and 1 tbsp. salt. Pour water so that the meat is just covered. Bring it to boil and foam for impurities. Let the meat boil quietly under low approx. 1 hour. Remove the pot from the heat and let the meat tak

Mains Wholemeal bread Pepper Salt ...

Cut the cabbage into thin strips and put it short in boiling water. Let it drip into a sieve. Cut the pinned onions into slices and shake them slightly golden in the oil. Bring the cabbage in and turn it too hot. Pour vinegar, wine and spices. Season the chick

Soups Pepper Salt Chicken broth (1 l of water and 2 hønsebouillon kogene cubes.) ...

1. Peel and chop onions and garlic. 2. Wash and peel carrots, celery, parsley and potatoes and cut them into the tern. 3. Rinse and clean the pores and cut it into the rings. (Save the green porridge to decorate.) 4. Bring the butter in a pan and melt it.

Mains A few sprigs of fresh thyme Solve rice Pepper ...

Cut the pork into mundane pieces and put it in a half-deep dish together with apricots and raisins. Pour red wine and vinegar on and add thyme and bay leaf. Leave it at least 1 hour. Let the oil get hot in a saucepan and sweat the meat in it. Add the fruit and

Sides Carrots and squach minced Oil Pepper ...

Pour the water from the beans and put them in fresh water, with garlic, porridge, laurel and thyme. Put the lid on the pan and cook more for approx. 30 minutes. Bring 1 tablespoon salt and let them finish in the water for approx. 5 minutes. Clean the veget

Appetizers Basil aftertaste-fresh or dried Pepper Salt ...

Bring the water to the boil and add the bullion cake. Wait for this to dissolve. Cut the tomatoes in quarters and put them all in the boiling water. Add laurel leaves, garlic, salt and pepper and basil. Remove the kernels from chili and add it to the

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Cut turkey meat in big tern and turkey bacon into strips. Stir the bacon strips in a saucepan and add finely sliced ​​onions. Put the chunky chicken in the pan when the onions are slightly browned. Brown the meat and season with salt and pepper. Add mushro

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh basil, chopped ...

Cook bacon golden with good heat. Turn down the heat and add onions and turn the slice to the slant is transparent, not brown. Add carrots and cook another 2 min. Add chopped beef and stir until it has split and changed color. Add parsley, basil, lemon peel, b