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Pickling recipes

Pickling White wine vinegar Onion Acacia honey ...

Tomatoes and plums cut into both. The peeled onion halved and cut into both. Tomatoes, plums and onions are mixed with the other ingredients in a pot and some gruel is for about ½ hour. If chutneyen must be saved, add 1 teaspoon atamon.

Pickling A little lemon juice A little water Berry ...

Cook the berries and sugar, water and lemon juice together, season to taste, cream of along the way. Mix melatinen with a bit of sukkereet and sprinkle it in the berries. Be cooked through in one minute.

Pickling Quince. raw Sugar Lemon ...

Steam kvæderne in 20 min. in as little water as possible. Peel them, cut them into smaller pieces and remove the hard core. Peel the ginger and chop it finely. Cut the yellow lemon peel thin from with a knife or peeler. Share in 2 lemons and squeeze t

Pickling Sugar Stocked vinegar Small Japanese quinces ...

Boil water, storage a pickle vinegar, sugar and ginger. Wash and peel the kvæderne, remove the flower stalk and scrape. Boil kvæderne tender in bed sheet, try with a knitting needle, take them along with the ginger up in glass or jar, boil the brine into the i

Pickling Turmeric Dill Saffron ...

Peel and cut your radisen China into thin slices. Bring the water, vinegar, sugar, peppercorns and Bay to a boil. Add the saffron and turmeric and pour the boiling liquid over China peanuts. Let peanuts stand and pull for the day after. Tips: Served as an

Pickling Green Tomatoes The whole pepper Little tuber fresh ginger ...

Henkog tomatoes and stuffed them in the washed glass along with kryderierne and pour brine over.

Pickling Atamonpulver or 1 Dessert spoon of liquid atamon Vinegar Green Tomatoes ...

The tomatoes are washed and pricked deeply with a fork. The tomatoes are added hereafter in sour wine which warms up. Salt and sugar stirred in. The tomatoes boil for about 3 minutes and then be put in jars. Pearl onions covered with boiling water, peeled.

Pickling Atamon Vinegar Green Tomatoes ...

The tomatoes may not recognize. skinned or pricked. 1 boil together, and dsplay tomatoes (a little at a time) boil about 2 minutes is taken up. Sugar brine is boiled together. In this boil tomatoes 3-4 minutes (by size, large tomatoes maybe 10 minutes), sta