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Pickling recipes

Pickling Water Mandarins Star anise ...

Arrow 10 mandarins, but let them remain whole. So much of the white arrow of as possible, too. the white in the middle. Make a small incision in the back of each "boat". Boil a brine of water, anise and sugar. Came mandarinerne in the boiling brine, pull the P

Pickling Pulp of ripe kakier Water Sugar ...

When the shell is removed from the mature kakier, shared in two, and the flesh is pressed through a strainer. Warm sugar level up a bit in the oven for a few minutes, and then mix the pulp, sugar and water. Pour it all up in a pan, and let the sugar melt, but

Pickling Atamon Ground cinnamon Cooking apples ...

Half of the sugar in a thick-bottomed saucepan and warmed up to a light caramel. The redecorated cooking apples is stirred well up in karamellen, whereupon they sweet apples add, and also mixed with the sugar mass. Water is added, and finally, the jam boils to

Pickling Grated zest and juice of one Orange Grated zest and juice of one lemon Corn flour ...

Mix 2.5 dl Water, blueberries/blackcurrants, sugar (use more sugar if blackcurrants clean used) lemon and orange juice and grated to be in a saucepan. Bring to the boil, sku down the heat and let it simmer 1 minute. Remove the heat and stir in maizenamel. Set

Pickling Apple vinegar Yellow mustard seeds Bay leaves ...

Chop the tomatoes, udkernede apples and peeled onion coarsely, mix them in a saucepan with the other ingredients and let it all simmer without lids, under regular stirring for a few hours, for chutneyen is thick. Pour it on clean glasses rinsed with little pre

Pickling Green gooseberry Fresh Green Chiles into strips Minced garlic ...

Notch stikkelsbær clean in a food processor and add to the pan with the other ingredients. Bring it slowly to the boil and cook for ½ hour. Let cool slightly before the chutneyen poured on a scalded glass (3/4 l). Let chutneyen pull out a week or so before you

Pickling Fresh ginger-like 2 walnuts into small cubes Apple vinegar Vanilla ...

Mix all the ingredients-except the vinegar-in a pan and let it soak 6 hours or overnight, like before it boils. Add the vinegar and bring it all to a boil. Boil for a low heat without lid in a couple of hours to chutneyen are uniformly thick and glossy. Pour t

Pickling Blue melatin Plums Cinnamon powder ...

The stones are removed from the yolks that are shared. Melatinen mixed with 2 tbsp. sugar. Sugar, water, cinnamon cooked up. Yolks added with melatin-sugar mixture. Cooked through for approx. 1 min and be taken to the page. Chicken confit tubes, and pour yolk-