Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Holiday dip Nachos Salsa medium ...

Place half of the nachos down in a refractory dish. Pour half of the salsa on top. Empty one can of cocktail sausages beyond. Place the rest of the nachos on top. Pour the rest of the salsa over. Empty the other canned cocktail sausages beyond. Pour the

Mains Onion Eggs Carrots ...

Stir the meat with salt. Tear the carrot into strips and chop loin. Mix all the ingredients together and fry the golden fry in plenty of fat. tips: Good alternative to a diet plan for losing weight. Incredibly healthy ingredients, with the right distri

Mains Olive oil Salt Eggs ...

Crumble 100 grams of butter with the flour whip egg salt and water together put in and knead the dough together Roll it out on a floured table and put it in a pie shape 23 cm in diameter dot it with a fork and let it rest for 20 min preheat at 200 degrees for

Mains White cabbage Pepper Chopped onion ...

1. Heat the oil in a saucepan and sweat the curry. 2. Add onion, meat and carrots and season until the meat has changed color. 3. Add the potato slices and stir for 2 min. 4. Add finely chopped white cabbage. 5. Add water, salt, pepper and soy. 6. Sprinkl

Mains 2 Oil for frying Dijon mustard ...

Mix the dressing together and butter the fish in a thick layer and then turn into panning Put in a refractory dish Pour 6 mushrooms and chopped the contents together with the last mushroom. Chop garlic Put oil on the pan and season garlic and mushroom,

Mains Pepper Salt Gurgemeje ...

The cutlets are browned in the margarine in a deep pan and spiced on each side with salt and pepper. Simultaneously add onion and garlic. Then pour the coconut milk and the rest of the ingredients, the minima cut into quarters before adding. Season with sal

Mains Oil Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Chop or tear all vegetables and then place them in a frying pan. Mix grated cheese and rasp enough to cover the surface in a fairly thick layer. When the vegetables have fallen together, season with thyme, salt and pepper. 4 eggs are poured onto the surface an

Mains Chicken (thighs or fillet) Butter or margarine Curry ...

Karrysovs: Begin with the sauce so it is ready when the dish is to be put in the oven. Season onion and bacon together for a few minutes. Sprinkle with curry and simmer for a moment. Mix flour and tomato paste. Add boullion and sprinkle from the pineapple and