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Rosary in bacon

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Rosary in bacon

Filled pasta (ham or cheese)
Turkey bacon El. and plain bacon
Cooking cream
Brussels sprouts

Instructions for Rosary in bacon

To prepare the Rosary in bacon recipe, please follow these instructions:

Rinse sprouts and mushrooms. Cut the "stick" of the mushrooms and then in slices (the sticks are thrown out). Arrow the rosacea "scratches" and sharpen them as desired. The carrots are peeled and cut as desired. Rosenkål and carrots are cooked together until they are not stone-hard anymore.

Cut the bacon into relatively small pieces and fry it. When the bacon is almost finished, pour the slice of championsons over.

Then pour the water from the pre-cooked vegetables and then pour them on top of the bacon and champing guns. Turn it well together. Pour cream and a garlic clove of cheese, stir it together and simmer while boiling your pasta.

It is served separately. Bon appetite. :-D

Remember it's not the logs from the champingongers cut in slices, but sell the "head"

Low E.V.T. A dressing with creme fraice, curry, lemon juice, salt and pepper.