Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Mains Margarine for frying Water Carrots ...

Cut the hvidkålet in pieces, not too rough. Peel the carrots and cut them into slices. Saute beef in the margarine and when it is finished, add the carrots and white cabbage. Add water so it almost covers white cabbage. Let it stand and simmer to the cabbage a

Mains Oil el. butter for frying Juice of 1 lemon Basil ...

Part poularden in 6-8 pieces and brown them in the fat in a frying pan or Saute pan. Chicken, bleep and udkern tomatoes. Chop them roughly and came to them by the chicken. Add water, garlic, salt and pepper and let the right roast 45 min's mushrooms and Pearl

Mains A little green Maizenamel Pepper ...

All the meat is cut from the hull. Total fat and skin is cut away. The pure poulardkød cut into appropriate pieces. The sauce: All the vegetables are cleaned. The carrots cut into slices, halved mushrooms, onions and bell peppers cut into strips. The whole

Mains Meljævning Pepper Salt ...

Poussinerne thawed slowly in the refrigerator. They cleaned and rinsed and dried with paper towel. Wind ruerne rinse, halve and remove the stones. In a heavy-based frying pan, melt the butter. Poussinerne Brown in the golden brown butter and seasoned. Ve

Mains Movies Lårerne from 4 pouissiner Pepper ...

Hull, bones and trimmings from the carving of poussinerne. 500 g of vegetables for example, leeks, celery, carrots, onion and persillerodkrydderier (whole pepper, Bay leaves, salt and top from parsley root) Garnish: flat-leaf parsley Approach Poussinern

Mains Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Melt the butter in the pan until it is golden brown came poussinerne in and brown them well, first breast side. Bacon is shared each into 3 pieces and Brown with ca. 5 min. When bacon is brown poured water over kogenede so that poussinerne is completely covere

Mains Pepper Salt Saffron in threads ...

Halvér poussinerne, arrow skins and share them in breast with wing and thigh. Brown poussinerne in a pan with olive oil with minced garlic and onions. Add the Saffron threads, lemon into small cubes, whole almonds and olives. Pour broth over and simmer for 35

Desserts (cold) Vermicelli, mixed (select the flavor you want) Glucose Water ...

Wash and dry apples well. Remove stems and insert a stick into each Apple flowers. Boil sugar, water and glucose of excessive heat. Stir. Test on the sugar bed sheet is done by dipping a stick in bed sheet. When the sugar bed sheet on the stick will be like gl