Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Desserts (warm) Almonds Water Lemon juice ...

Put sveskerne in soft and give them a rehash so that the stones can be taken out. Fill each prune with instead of a decamped almond. Put them in the gennemfugtede roaster. Beat the egg yolks together with the vanillekorn, sugar, lemon juice and butter, which i

Mains White pepper Oil Salt ...

The potatoes peeled, cut into slices and boil for 10 min. The carrots peeled and grated and the juice from the lemon poured over. Onions and garlic are cleaned, chopped finely and mix. A heat-proof platter lubricated in oil Put potato slices, onion, grat

Mains Tomato puree Peeled tomatoes Oil ...

The meat is cut into cubes, there are approx. 2 x 2 cm and Brown in the oil along with the pressed garlic cloves in a thick-bottomed saucepan. The onion peeled and split into quarters. Squashen cut into 3 cm pieces, which is divided into quarters. Onion and

Drinks (cold) Water Fresh ginger Apples ...

Apples and Ginger juices together, diluted with a dl. water or two, if desired. Drunk within 15 min.

Mains 100 g. of grated danbo (45%) Coarse salt White pepper ...

Cut the julesalaten over lengthwise, remove rootstock, boil salad in water with lemon juice for about 5 min. then let it drain in a colander. Make a sauce by whipping the flour with cream, warm up during the flogging, season and pour it over the julesalaten in

Mains Parsley Salt Beef tværreb (cut to small short ribs) ...

Brown the meat well in a saucepan. Cut the carrots in half and add to the pot along with the onion, Bay leaves, beer, water, salt and sugar. The Court let simmer, covered, for about 2 hours, for legs loosens itself from the flesh. Taste right and smooth it. Sp

Mains Salt Leaf celery Rose paprika ...

Boil the meat until tender in water with salt, 2 1/2-3 hours. Take the flesh up. 's and part vegetables. Boil them 15-20 min. in the textured soup. Cut the meat into cubes and got it on the soup with tomato paste and paprika. Server soup with creme fraiche.

Mains White cabbage Spaghetti Water ...

Set the meat over in the water and bring slowly to a boil. Cream soup, add 2 teaspoons salt and let it boil with lid until tender in approx. 1 ½-2 hours. Porrene cleaned and cut into cubes, carrots and celery and cut into cubes and skælles white cabbage cho