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Recipes with Spring onions

Mains Wild Spice Cream Wheat flour ...

The casserole cut into strips and fry in a pan of oil with salt and pepper and possibly spice. The strips are picked up and placed on the plate. Butter melt in the juice and oil from the meat. The spring bulbs and tomatoes are cut roughly and sautéed with t

Mains Pepper Salt Chili ...

Chop the onions and garlic. The chicken is cooked on a hot forehead with a little olive oil and good with freshly squeezed pepper. When the chicken pieces have taken a little color, add onion and garlic. Step on for approx. 1/2 minute - while chopping the t

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

That's how you make Indian rice Season the meat with spices and sugar (2-3 teaspoons) Add the vegetables and let them sweat for a while add rice and then water Cook until the rice is finished Remember to stir in the dish while cooking otherwise burning t

Soups Freshly ground pepper Salt Smoked salmon ...

Clean the onions and cut them into smaller pieces. Bring onion and broth in a saucepan and cook it mildly for approx. 10 minutes. Add white wine and cook for 5 minutes. Blend the soup a little with cream and bark (a couple of pieces for decorating) and heat it

Appetizers Juice of 1 1/2 lime Juice of 1 lime Fresh basil ...

Salsa: All ingredients are cleaned and chopped, then mixed together .. so they taste each other (can be made the day before) Lime foam: All the ingredients are mixed and whipped foamy only the bubbles from the foam to be used can be whipped over and over ag

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

The root and the faded leaves are removed from the spring bulbs. They rinse thoroughly in running water, dip dry and with 2/3 of the green leaves cut into 3 cm long pieces. Broth and white wine are boiled. The spring bulbs are added and boil under low heat for

Mains Pepper Salt Spring onions ...

Cut the fillets into pieces and scratch the skins with a sharp knife. Step only on the skinside, first at high heat and then with mild heat. Cover over With stanniol at last. Is finished when the meat is milky white. Compote of onions: The red onions are c

Mains Lemon juice Dill Pepper ...

witch: The fillets are spiced with salt. Fold the fillets to make them even all over the place. Cut possibly. 1 or 2 cut into each file without cutting through and folding the pages together. Bring white wine, cream and flour into a pan and place the fillets