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Recipes with Spring onions

Mains A bit of tabasco to taste Balsamic vinegar Spring onions ...

The carrots are cut for quarters, the spring bulbs are halved across and the peppers are cut into suitable pieces. The herb flavor is stirred together and distributed over the herbs, which are placed in a foil tray. The tray is placed at the bottom of the c

Lunch Cilantro, fresh Pepper Salt ...

Arrow the shells of the prawns, but let the halftiften side. Strike the prawns along the tailgate. Turn them into a marinade of crushed garlic, grated ginger and oil. They are cooked 3-4 minutes at very good heat. Peel the mango fruit and cut the meat

Salads Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Rinse the lenses thoroughly and boil them for 20 minutes in leachate water. Cut the spring bulbs and the sun-dried tomatoes. Peel the carrots, tear them down and cut them into thin slices. Pill the outermost beautiful leaves of the sprouts and half the rest

Salads Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Place the beans in soft overnight. Pour the water and boil them for 40 minutes in leachate water. Let the green beans boil for the last couple of minutes and blame in cold water. Basement: Shake crushed garlic, mustard, vinegar and water well together. Add

Mains Chili sauce EVS. bamboo shoots (canned) Spring onions ...

Sweat the curry in oil. Cut the pork tenderloin in the dice and brown it with the chopped onion. Add broth and spice with salt and pepper, soy and sambal spices (strong spices from the east can be bought in supermarkets.) Let the dish spin for half an hour. Ad

Mains Fresh thyme Pepper Juice of lemon 1/2 ...

Stir a marinade of olive oil, squeezed garlic and fresh thyme. Butter the marinade on the tuna steaks and let them marinate for 1/2 hour. Cook the pasta as indicated on the package and cool it. Rinse the salad and let it drop. Half the cherry tomatoes an

Mains Pepper Salt Good bread ...

Steaks: When everything else is done, they arrive 4 steaks on the grill and get 3 - 4 minutes on each side. A good rule is always that when a little red meat juice is popping up, the steak is medium. When the meat eve is ready, the steak is passed. Romesco

Mains Freshly ground pepper Pepper Salt ...

Meatballs: Begin to put the 16 wooden spoons into a bowl of water. Then they do not burn later when they come to the grill. Mix the chopped meat with a little salt in a bowl and stir to a solid lump. Add chopped garlic, chopped parsley, cumin and freshly gr