Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Small onions

Mains A few fresh basil leaves Pizzamel on demand Salt ...

Low first pizza dough. Roll the dough out on a piece of wax paper in the appropriate size. The tomato sauce is made: the tomatoes, chili, onion, and basil leaves cut into small pieces and mix in a bowl. Add pressed garlic. Pizza dough lubricated with a

Mains Salt Pilsner Brown sugar ...

Brown sugar is mixed in the Lager. Roughly chopped onion, bay leaf, peppercorns and salt added and koteletterne is added in the marinade in 1 day. To invert a few times. Koteletterne is taken up by the marinade, Blot dry and FRY 5 minutes per side. The mari

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Season the meat with salt and pepper. Put the meat in a marinade consisting of crushed garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and minced Sage in ½-12 hours in the refrigerator. Drainage yoghurt ½-1 hour in a coffee filter. Peel and grate the cucumber coarse. Pressu

Mains Pepper Cucumber Garlic ...

Chop the onion and mix the rest of the ingredients for the marinade together. Put koteletterne into a basin. Pour the marinade over and set koteletterne in the refrigerator for about ½ hour. Turn the koteletterne a few times during the mariner No. Pour the

Sides Eggs Between store grated cheese Salt ...

Melt the butter, pour it into the bageskålen and add the water. Stir the yeast into the butter mixture. Add salt, eggs, fromage blanc and most of the flour. Blenk and Add flour, knead the dough for it will be smooth. Set the dough warm to uplift, covered appro

Mains Basmati rice Cinnamon Small cup yellow lentils ...

Brown the meat with the chopped onion, then add the pureen and simmer 2 minutes. Add water at its own discretion and let boil approximately 1/2 hours. Cut the potatoes into slices and put them in the right-let Cook 10 min. Add the lentils and let Cook 10 min.

Soups Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

Arrow the onions and chop them finely. Sauté them in butter in a pan without taking colour. Sprinkle the flour in and babies with chicken broth. Peel Kaikan, cut it into cubes and add to the pan. Remove "the frames clip" from crab meat, cut the meat into small

Mains Salt Pepper Chicken (1200 g) ...

Mix all ingredients for the marinade. Part 8-10 the chicken in pieces. Turn the chicken pieces in the marinade and let them soak ½ hour in the refrigerator. Set the oven at 225 degrees. Cut the tomatoes in half. Willow buds, mushrooms and cut into slices courg