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Recipes with Small onions

Mains Pepper Salt Small onions ...

Put half of the bacon slices in the bottom of the roaster gennemfugtede. Came fish fillets over and sprinkle some paprika on. Please be careful with the salt, as the fish get the taste of the salty bacon. Put a layer of bacon slices over the fish and sprinkle

Mains Mild paprika Salt Cream ...

Cut the fillets into smaller pieces. Peel the tomatoes and cut them into slices. Chop the onions coarsely. Put a layer of fish at the bottom of the roaster and cover them with gennemfugtede tomatoes. Sprinkle some chopped onion, season with salt and paprika an

Mains Salt Bay leaf Paprika ...

Arrow the onions and chop them roughly. Sauté them in the fat in a frying pan. Slice the lamb meat into cubes and brown them in the fat. Pour white wine and it came over in the gennemfugtede roaster. Share the tomatoes into quarters, udsten the black olives an

Mains Wheat flour Basil Marjoram ...

Share tails in the links and brown them in the fat, then put in roaster. Arrow the onions and cut them into quarters. Scrape the carrots and cut them into slices. Saute the onions and carrots in the fat. Got it all in the gennemfugtede roaster. Mix the s

Mains Parsley Salt Beef tværreb (cut to small short ribs) ...

Brown the meat well in a saucepan. Cut the carrots in half and add to the pot along with the onion, Bay leaves, beer, water, salt and sugar. The Court let simmer, covered, for about 2 hours, for legs loosens itself from the flesh. Taste right and smooth it. Sp

Mains Pepper Salt Poulard ca 1700-1800 gr ...

Cut the tap or poularden out of 6-8 pieces, cut the bacon into strips. Willow buds and cut the mushrooms in quarters. Fry the bacon strips in the fat in a frying pan and put them into a frying pan. Fry the onions and mushrooms and take it out of the pan. Brown

Mains Parsley Small onions Pilsner beer ...

The eggs are placed in boiling water for about 6 minutes, then the cool immediately under cold water. It chopped the Bison meat seasoned with salt and pepper. Share the meat into four portions, each of which is formed into a small ball. Bank balls gently out o

Lunch Minced pork or gåsekød (best) Pepper Salt ...

Chop the meat and liver. Mix it with spices and mushrooms and possibly. a little fat from the goose. Stop forcemeat in Goose neck, but not too hard, then detonated it during frying. Close the ends so the neck for low heat and cook for about 30 mins. Tips: