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Recipes with Pepper

Appetizers Pepper Salt Mushroom ...

Cook it all together in a pan, taste with salt and pepper. Roll the biscuit slices to squares. Fill the bowl plate and fold it to a triangle. Close the edges with a fork. Bake at 200 degrees C until the butter dough is golden.

Appetizers Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Boil 1 liter of water with a little salt. Boil the prawns in the water until they turn pink. Let the prawns drain, rinse them in cold water and pil them. Put them in a bowl. Stir a marinade of olive oil, lemon, chopped parsley and crushed garlic. Pour marin

Mains Goose breast rose (contains both geese breast muscles) Coarse salt Pepper ...

Clean the vegetables and cut them into smaller pieces. Distribute in a refractory dish and pour broth and porridge at. Stir butter with pepper and 2/3 of all hand. Rinse the steps for blood residues. Place it on a frying pan and loosen the skin from both

Lunch Pepper Salt Butter ...

The top is cut off the bollards and the bow is taken out. Stir the butter with salt, pepper and curry and lubricate. The cheese is put in and an egg is thrown out. Season the spices in the oven for 15 minutes. By 200 gr until the eggs are stiffened.

Mains Garlic Pepper Parsley ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices. Put potatoes, squeezed garlic, parsley, salt and pepper into a dish. Broth poured over. Rub the lamb with crushed garlic, salt and pepper, and lay with the flat side upwards. Heat the oven for 30 minutes at 2

Mains White pepper Pepper Juice of ½ lemon ...

The fish is divided into portions, it may Fold if it is thin filet. Cut the mushrooms in slices and chop smoothly. Rub if possible Pan with a little butter and add mushrooms and onions. Lay the fish and pour white wine. Stir the fish for approx. 9 minutes.

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Put the ox breast into cold water. Let it cook at low heat for approx. 80-90 minutes. Do you have any vegetable residues, these can be added and cooked in the brothel. The potatoes boil tenderly in the soup. Take the chest up and sift the broth. Make a b

Mains EVS. 1-2 tbsp. vinegar EVS. Salt Pepper ...

Put the ox breast in plenty of water. Boil and foam. Then add vegetables in coarse tern and salt, boil the meat for 2-2½ hours. The potatoes are boiled tenderly. The chest is picked up and the broth is sifted, the vegetables are discarded. Melt the bu