Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Parsley, fresh

Mains Pepper Salt Red chili pepper ...

Clean the chicken and remove the skin. Place it in a heat-proof dish and rub it in a bit of lemon juice mixed with a little of the oil and season with salt and pepper. Put the chicken in the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven for over a hour. Turn it along th

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Clean the chicken and Pat it dry. Cut it into quarters. Saute the bacon in the General role. Add the oil, the chopped onion and garlic. Brown the meat on all sides. Slice and mushrooms. Scald the tomatoes, remove the seeds and skins of drag, chop the tom

Mains Pepper Salt Tarragon. dried ...

Start udegrillen at least 20 minutes before it is to be used, it must reach to form a dense, white glødelag without flames. Flames stings fish without frying it. Or turn on oven grill and set it at 250 degrees C. Makes horn fish, cut it into approximately 8

Mains Pepper Parsley, fresh Salt ...

Butter the fillets with the mustard and add chopped parsley and half the finely chopped onion and garlic over. Tires each fillet with a slice of letstegt bacon, there must not be crisp. Roll the fillets and hold them together with toothpicks or small skewers.

Mains Jævning Pepper Salt ...

Plaice fillets are cleaned and sprinkled with salt and pepper. Onion peeled and chopped fine. Carrot peeled and grated fine. Rinse and chop the parsley fine. Onion, carrot and parsley mix and spread over fillets. The fillets rolled and held together with to

Mains Pepper Salt Accessories ...

The Finns are clipped by the eel, and the peeled cut into appropriate pieces Then invert the in rye flour and seasoned with salt and pepper. 50 grams of butter is melted in the pan fried Eel herein for they are light brown. At the same time, melt 50 g

Mains Parsley, fresh Butter Pork broth ...

Remove the coarsest sinew from meat and cut it into slices. Brown the meat in the Pan in margarine a few minutes on each side. Take the meat up gradually and put it in a heat-proof platter. Sprinkle with a little salt. Grate the whole onions in butter until

Mains Milk Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Rinse salmon steak late and season them with salt and pepper. Put a square garlic butter (available in supermarket) on top of each steak. Wrap each in wax paper or tin foil in the clear oil. Behind the packets in a 200 degrees c. alm. oven for about 20 minutes