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Recipes with Parsley, fresh

Mains Broth from the dish Dill, fresh Tarragon, fresh ...

The passphrase carefully the largest leaves from the cabbage. Steam pointed cabbage leaves in boiling water with salt for about 3 min. Take the leaves up, and cut the grossest of middle rib of (the 5 leaf cut out and used to cover the holes from rib). Cl

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Oven preheated to 180 degrees c. alm. oven. The chicken is split into 4. Turn over the chicken pieces in flour and Brown lightly in a pan m. butter. Potatoes and onions cut into slices and half placed in a heat-proof platter and sprinkled with salt and p

Mains Pepper Parsley, fresh Rosemary, fresh ...

Peel and cut the potatoes into slices. Then added in a greased ovenproof dish. Season with salt, pepper and Rosemary. Rub chicken thighs with garlic, and cruiser with salt, pepper and Rosemary, drizzle with olive oil. Chicken thighs are put the potatoes in

Mains Pepper Salt Rosemary, fresh ...

The potatoes peeled and cut into slices, put in a greased, ovenproof dish and salt, pepper, Rosemary sprinkled over. Chicken thighs rubbed with crushed garlic, Rosemary, salt, pepper and put the potatoes in the dish. Put the dish in the oven at 225 degrees

Mains Pepper Salt For brushing ...

Came the minced meat in a bowl. Arrow the onions, chop them Finely and mix them in the flesh together with crushed garlic, minced parsley, salt, freshly ground pepper and flour. Knead together and shape them into good forcemeat small sausages, finger short.

Mains Olive oil Rye flour, wholemeal Basil, fresh ...

Cut the redecorated garfish in ca. 8 cm long pieces. Remove carefully the Green legs. The fish must be like double filet, IE. without the back is cut up. Peel and chop the onion, garlic, Basil and parsley. Fill it in the fish. The fish turned into flour wit

Mains Parsley, fresh Pepper Eggs ...

Peel the carrots and cut them into small cubes. Cook the vegetables in velsaltet water, about 10 minutes. Tube fat and flour together. Stir in butter bun in the vegetables and stir until it is dissolved. Add the chopped parsley, save a little for garnis

Mains Basil, fresh Pepper Salt ...

Rub chicken fillets with salt, pepper and Herbes de Provense. Arrow and chop garlic and onion. Rinse the vegetables. Inserts squashen into cubes. Halve the peppers and remove the seeds and white membrane and stilkefæstet-striml peberfrugten rough. Heat 2