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Recipes with Oatmeal

Bread, buns & biscuits Pumpkin seeds Oatmeal Flax seed ...

Sunflower seeds and grassy peas are poured golden on a dry forehead and all the ingredients are mixed. The dough is divided into 2 equal pieces and it rolls out thinly. This is done easiest by rolling the dough between two pieces of baking paper directly onto

Lunch Yeast Oatmeal Wheat cores ...

Crumble the yeast in a bowl with the lukewarm water, add oil and salt, seal the flour into another bowl. Whole half of the flour in the bowl and stir well for 2 minutes. Then add the ham and stir well in the dough. Then add the thyme and the oreganone, and the

Breakfast & brunch Banana Vanilla sugar Oatmeal ...

Moss 1 banana with a fork. Mix 2 dl. Oatmeal, 2 dl. Water, 2dl. Milk, 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar and the mashed banana in a saucepan, warm the flour to the boiling point. When the crop reaches the desired temperature, it is taken from the heat. tips: I d

Breakfast & brunch Sugar Apple Cinnamon ...

Peel the apple and cut it into small pieces. Mix all the ingredients together and cook to the desired consistency of the crop. tips: Often, I think this porridge tastes fine without sugar, but it depends entirely on the apple. If the apple is sweet I do n

Cakes Baking soda Caramel from tube Wheat flour ...

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees hot air. Butter a frying pan and for it with baking paper so that it goes beyond the outside of the mold. Mix flour, oatmeal and sugar in a large bowl and stir the butter. Press half of the mixture into the mold. Bag it for 10 m

Cakes Multisød (sugar can be used) on request Romessens Unsweetened cocoa ...

All ingredients are blended or put in a food processor. The mixture is divided into four balls and put into the refrigerator for the next day.

Lunch (to go) Pepper Eggs Red bell pepper ...

Put the meat in a bowl, add oatmeal and flour and stir it with a hand mixer, then put eggs in and spices and tear the red onion and chop the red pepper well and put it in the dad, stir it until it is firmly in And then add milk a little at a time and until it

Breakfast & brunch Flax seed Oil Sesame seeds ...

Start mixing together flax seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds. Then these ingredients come on a warm forehead. Shake the ingredients until golden brown. Then it is taken off the forehead. Turn down the heat and add honey and oil to the forehead. When melt