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Recipes with Leaf celery

Cold cuts Leaf celery Chopped onion Kappers ...

Whisk marinade together and half of the butter in a casserole dish. Form the meat into 4 flat patties and put them on the dish. Brush the rest of the marinade on the steaks. Set the dish in the refrigerator for about ½ hour. Garnish with tomato slices, shredde

Mains Pepper Parsley, fresh Salt ...

The meat is shaped into 8 patties, FRY in butter and seasoned with salt and pepper. Be taken up and kept warm. All vegetables are cleaned and cut into fine strips. Fry lightly on the forehead with plenty of butter and place over steaks. Court sprinkled w

Salads Pepper Salt Mayonnaise ...

Boil the potatoes, arrow them and let them cool. Cut celery and red onion finely, and cut the potatoes into slices. Stir the ingredients for the dressing together and turn the caution with potatoes, celery and onions.

Salads Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Slice the cucumber and Apple into small cubes and bladsellerien in thin slices. Mix it all up in yletten and season with salt and pepper. Served with wholemeal bread.

Salads Balsamic vinegar Romaine or 1 frilice Sesame oil ...

Mix the marinade and let it drag ½ hour. Grate the pumpkin seeds in a dry frying pan. Cut cabbage and celery. Clean the chili (put a cut lengthwise and remove the seeds under running water). Cut the chili fine Sauté cabbage, celery and chili in olive oil. Com

Salads Leaf celery Fresh white asparagus Artichoke hearts ...

Clean the rhubarb and cut them into thin slices, preferably diagonally. Benefit them on a wire rack, it may take some time, since the discs tend to fall through, but with a little patience it can be done. Behind them in the oven at 150 degrees for about 1 hour

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

The dressing is stirred by Quark, lemon, mayonnaise, English sauce, salt and pepper. Inserts bladsellerien into small pieces and mix this and the prawns in the dressing.

Salads Pepper Salt Dijon mustard ...

Heavy ribbed celery and cucumber, cut into small cubes and mix in a bowl. Marinade whipped together and poured over. The salad draws at least 1 hour before it is served.