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Recipes with Grated nutmeg

Soups Pepper Salt Crushed coriander ...

Cut græskarkød, potatoes, soup herbs and it peeled onion into small pieces. Saute it gently in oil in a pan. Arrow white onions and add them and Curry, as well as cumin, coriander and nutmeg. Let it spin for more a minute, stirring so garlic and spices toas

Mains Groftkværnet white pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Scrub potatoes under cold running water. Got them in a pan with a little water, salt and cumin and cook them until tender, covered in 20 min. cut ham into very small cubes and sauté them in a pan of oil. Grate Emmentaleren rough. Mix together ham and cream che

Mains Freshly ground white pepper Grated nutmeg Garlic ...

Cut the bread into bite-sized squares and put them on a platter. Grate the cheese coarsely. Arrow white onion and slice through it. Rub the fondue Pan well with garlic. Came white wine and citroncaft into the Pan and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and add

Soups Krutonner Pepper Grated nutmeg ...

Cut the 1/3 of one courgette, share the lengthwise, scrape the meat out, and soft style shells aside. Slice the meat and the rest of courgetterne into cubes. Clear the onions in the butter, add the courgette dice, 2/3 of the peas and half of basilikummen. Turn

Soups Freshly ground pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Cut lemon shell in fine strmler. Remove the core and outlet avocado the avocado flesh. Cut it into slices. Cut the onion into slices. Put a few rings to one side and gently fry the rest of the olive oil until they are clear. Pour the broth and boil a half an h

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Grated nutmeg ...

Dådyrkød, pork and onion chopped into mincing machine and mix with the other ingredients. The flour is added at the end. Forcemeat is resting an hour before the place in natural intestines (can be purchased from the butcher). FRY on the forehead in plenty o

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Forcemeat is stirred thoroughly, and rests about 1 hour in the refrigerator. If it is too fast will be honored in the milk or cream and stir. Formes to meatballs and FRY as usual. Serving suggestions: Potatoes or potato salad

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Majroerne peeled and cut into 2 ½ cm thick cubes. Boil 30 minutes in salted water, and afdryppes in sight. Fry the bacon crisp in the Pan without fat. Majroerne moses and bacon fat stir in Bacon first stirred in the bog. together with cream. Season with nutmeg