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Recipes with Grated nutmeg

Salads Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Preheat the oven to 180 °. Butter a baking dish. Arrange the radicchio, celery and courgette and cover with foil. Behind the vegetables 1/2 hour and flip them a few times during baking. Take them out and put them to cool on a plate. Set oven temperature up to

Salads Grated nutmeg Cucumber Dill ...

Them boil until tender, about 50 minutes, and allow to cool. They may not recognize. boil the day in advance. Them skinned and cut into small cubes. The cucumber cut also in small cubes and mix with them. Yoghurt afdryppes in a coffee filter and stirred with s

Bread, buns & biscuits Grated nutmeg Salt Icing sugar ...

Warm the milk up until it is hand warm. Stir the yeast with 1 teaspoon. sugar and 1 dl. of the milk. Leave it to the skimmer. Soften the butter in the rest of the milk in the cash role. Whisk the eggs together. Term the flour and mix the cinnamon and a little

Drinks (cold) Grated nutmeg Egg yolk Icing sugar ...

Shake very vigorously with crushed ice and strain into medium-sized glass of Grated nutmeg on top.

Drinks (cold) Grated nutmeg Grenadine Lemon juice ...

Com Rome, lemon juice and grenadine in a shaker with ice. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass. Garner with grated nutmeg.

Drinks (cold) Grated nutmeg Amaretto di saronno Coconut milk ...

Came the crushed ice in a shaker and add vodka, Amaretto and ko kosmælk. Shake until the Shaker fogged and si in ontent over in a cocktail glass. Sprinkle a little grated nutmeg.

Drinks (cold) Ice cubes Grated nutmeg Egg yolk ...

Mix the ingredients in a mixer and shake well. SI drink into a tall glass and sprinkle with grated nutmeg. Server with straws.

Sides Lightly salted Milk Eggs ...

100 g. daggammel homemade French bread without crust put in milk for 1 hour. The milk is pressed by the bread, which is then stirred with 1 egg, 3 tablespoons. flour, 20 g. tempered butter, 1 tsp. salt and a nip of grated nutmeg. The dough is shaped and rolled