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Recipes with Bacon

Mains Green bell pepper Handful of Basil Handful of parsley ...

Kalkunsteg: Shake the pine nuts. Take Garlic, Sun dried tomatoes, Parsley, Basil and Pinjekerner along with approx. 1/2 dl oil and blend it. The mass would like to remind you of a pesto consistency. Cut the turkey breast through the middle, so there is an u

Mains Pepper Good pesto (from glass) Minced parsley ...

Cut the tenderloin into suitable steaks (thickness equivalent to the width of a slice of bacon). Wrap the bacon around and put the steaks in a refractory dish. Join the pepper on. Place the dish in the oven v. 250 degrees for 12-15 minutes. Whip whipped cream

Mains Bacon Cocktail sausages Milk ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Sweat sausages, bacon and ham on a forehead. Cook pasta screws as shown on the bag. Pumpkin in a refractory dish. Make mushroom suce as directed on the package. Pour it over the pasta and spread the grated cheese on top.

Mains Small bunch fresh coriander Small bunch fresh parsley Pepper ...

Chop both kinds of onions, chili and all the green ones. Put it in a bowl where the meat, the egg, the oatmeal and the last spices are added. Mix it together to a father. Use if necessary. A hand mixer. Form oval or elongated meatballs approx. 13-15 pcs. C

Mains A bit of oil Ketchup Lime both ...

Turn the oven on 200 degrees hot air. When the oven is hot, bacon can be advantageously cooked in. About 10 min. But look at them. Dup chicken breasts dry with kitchen roll. Stir them on a hot (grill) pan with a little oil approx. 8-10 min. On each page or u

Mains BUKO pinkantost (light) Carrots Pores ...

The chicken fillets are broken (not completely over). The pie is distributed into the chicken fillet and it closes with 2 bacon bacon. This is done by ale 4 chicken fillets. Then they are put in an ovenproof dish. The vegetables are chopped in the printer a

Appetizers Krydderost Cherry tomatoes From lettuce ...

The bacon rose brightly on the forehead. When the bacon is crisp, the loaves of the excess fat are fry until they are golden and then the cherry tomatoes (divided into quarters) are lightly sliced ​​while the bread is lubricated with spices (like a little thic

Mains Cucumber Bacon Burger dressing ...

The steaks: Chop the loaf very fine and squeeze the garlic. Then mix all the steak ingredients in a bowl and mix well together. The steaks are roasted and turned on the forehead until brown and seasoned with salt and pepper. Burgerbollerne: Heat in the oven