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Recipes with Bacon

Mains Coarse salt Wheat flour to jævning Pepper ...

Heat the oven to 200 degrees C. Mix meat, rasp. Onions, milk, salt and pepper. Eat it into a uniform father and form the father of a loaf of bread. Place the dough in a greased oven dish. Cover the top with bacon slices. Peel the potatoes, cut them and clea

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon ...

The chops are seasoned with salt and pepper and roasted in margarine. Put in a fireproof dish. Flour is added to the steak and a baked sauce is made of mushroom water, peeled tomatoes and cream. If the sauce is too thick add a little milk. The drip mushrooms s

Mains Pepper Eggs Wheat flour ...

Beef mixed with salt, pepper, flour, egg, finely chopped onion and chilli sauce as desired. Form into 8 oval bowls wrap a slice of bacon. Stir on warm forehead, possibly in a little oil, 2 minutes on each side. The bowls are put in a hot dish, peeled tomatoes

Breakfast & brunch Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Step bacon on the forehead, preferably by low / medium heat for a long time and put the bacon to a drip on a piece of paper roll. 1 clove of white cuts is cut into thin slices and browned in bacon grease. When brown, add spinach leaves, olive oil, salt and pe

Mains Eggplant Bacon Grove burger buns (possibly finns rugburger buns from Coop) ...

Warm the balls Step lamb steak with salt, pepper and thyme Step bacon Crisp vegetables (snack spoons in long thin pieces) Homemade Pesto: Chop pine nuts, fresh basil leaves, a few cloves of garlic and oil in a blender / hand blender. It should not be too

Mains EVS. a small piece of blue mold cheese White wine Eggs ...

Here is an easy recipe that is just to go to. Cook onion, barcon and mushrooms on a pan while the pasta boils. When the pasta is boiled, pour all of the water and put the cream and bacon mixture into the pasta and heat it up after pouring egg, white wine

Mains Bouillon Salt Cocktail sausages ...

Peel the potatoes and put them over without salt. Sprinkle the loaf of bread, cut it into big tern and brown them in a saucepan with good heat until the pieces have got a color. Cut the bacon into 1 cm big tern and put them into the pan until they are almost

Salads A little bit of Basil Pepper Salt ...

Rinse the salad head, chop it, get it in a bowl, cut the cherry tomatoes into slices, bring them to the salad, bacon, get it up in the salad, cut the french bread into small terns, bring the oil on the forehead with a little salt and bristle the bread , Put it