Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bacon

Mains Chili after taste Coriander Oregano ...

The fathers are stirred with the ingredients and the blanched vegetables. Form as a meatloaf and put in an ovenproof dish (greased with a little oil). The fried bread is covered with the ketchup-chili-garlic mixture and the bacon is laid upstairs. Bake in the

Mains Jævning Pepper Ribsgéle ...

The phases are made available. The fries are stirred with rasp, egg, cream, salt and pepper. It is filled in the pheasants. The pheasants are wrapped with bacon and brune in a saucepan. The wild cloud and half of the flow are added. The phasans are roasted

Salads Pepper Salad Salt ...

Wash and rinse the salad. Tear / cut it into mundane pieces. Come to the salad in a big bowl. Peel the onions and cut them into small pieces. Peel garlic and cut them into slices Cut bacon into pieces and place them on a dry pan. Add onion, garlic and gr

Mains Eggs Cream Medium onion ...

Chop the onions nicely Cut 4 slices of bacon into small pieces and lightly sprinkle them in a dry pan Mix fathers, onions, rasp, cream, eggs and the fried bacon well together. Put it all in a greased fireproof dish sprinkled with raspberries. Cover the dad

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped fresh tarragon ...

Steaks: Turn the steaks into flour and put them on the forehead of the fat for 3-4 minutes on each side. Season with salt and pepper. Pepper sauce: Put onion and bacon in a pan in the butter. Add flour and peppers and stir into the fat. Put tomato paste, wa

Mains Freshly ground pepper Eggs Bacon ...

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl (just bacon and the 3-4dl boullion) and mix well together. Form the father to something that looks like a loaf and put it in a refractory dish. Take the bacon and lay the strips over the phase to cover it. Pour boull

Mains Wheat flour Milk Okseboulion ...

Peel and cut the potatoes in the bites. Cook them a bit tenderly. Rose bacon Brown ox fox. Clean the cauliflower in small bouquets boil lightly. Put it all in a fluffy dish. Make a stuffed sauce with paprika. Pour the sauce over the dish. Get it all in

Mains Curry Oil White cabbage ...

Carrots, potatoes, onion and cabbage and bacon are spiced in the oil in a pan and the beef is added. Then add water. The spaghetti is broken into small pieces and added. Season with salt and pepper and cook at low heat for 30 minutes. tips: Served with war