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Recipes with Bacon

Mains Pepper ROMARIN Onion ...

Take a small oven-proof dish. Put the baking paper in the dish. Blame and peel the apples. Slice out the core house and put the apples in the dish. Fill: Arrow, and heel loosened. Cut the bacon into cubes. Bring the bacon on a pan. Sweat bacon. Get the onio

Sauces Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Olive oil ...

Put a frying pan over low heat and olive oil. Cut bacon into strips and season 2-3 min until golden brown. Meanwhile, the kernels are removed from the pepper and cut into the tern. Chop mushroom roughly and rib the leaves of thyme sticks. Bring pepper, m

Mains Suit Pepper Red currant jelly ...

The meat is brought to the fathers with onion, flour, rasp, salt / pepper, bacontern, egg and milk for linden consistency. Shape in a fried dish for bread covered with bacon slices. Water and bullion cakes and crushed juniper berries are served in the dish.

Mains Crushed juniper berries Bacon Collar ...

The sprouts are rubbed with spices and covered by the bacon slices. Put in a fireproof dish and pour water and ribs on. Step by 180 degrees for 1 hour and 45 minutes. The cloud is poured off and the steps are covered in silver foil. The cloud is leveled with 2

Mains Pepper Salt Chicken ...

The chicken is cleaned filled with bacon in the tern Stone-free grapes garlic salt and pepper. Brunes well in the frying pan fry about One hour per kg. With 2 dl. white wine tips: Accessories salad. The salad is mixed with spring onion grapes and bacon f

Salads Sweet chili sauce Red onion Bacon ...

Cook the pasta and let it cool off. Step bacon to the forehead. Cut the pepper and red onions in the tern. Cut the onions in slices so that its small rings. Mix creme fraise and cottageose together. Get it all in a bowl with peanuts and raisins. Stir well. Tas

Mains Salt Chinese soy Oil ...

Rice, water and 1 tbsp. Oil boil in a pan with lid for approx. 40 min. Then pour on a dish and descend without clumping. Bacon cut into strips and fry in 1 dl. oil. When they are crisp they are taken up. 6 whole eggs whipped together with soy and pour into t

Lunch Lettuce leaves for garnish Butter Nicely cauliflower head ...

Cook the cauliflower until it's just tender. Cut the bacon into small cubes and grate them easily on a frying pan. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and heat them with the peas in a pan of butter. Put the boiled cauliflower on a dish. Pour tomato, pea mixture over.