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Recipes with Bacon

Mains Lemon juice A little sugar Carnations ...

Soup: Start in good time (in the morning) boiling a chicken soup. Stitch 3-4 cloves in the loose. Put it in a saucepan and pour water until the loaf is covered and put the pot on the flare. Slice the two carrots in fine slices and get along (possibly roasting

Mains Cream of Leek/bacon mass Pepper Salt ...

The puppies are made to be cut and cut for about 1 cm thick. Peel the beef tenderloin while doing this. Let a pan be hot, the beef tenderloin is browned on all sides and cooled off. Bacon is on the forehead until they are half finished (about 10 min) and the

Mains Chives Oregano Leek ...

Bacon roasted. Eggs, cream and spices are whipped together. The chicken fillet is cut into cubes of approx. 1 cm. The porridge is cut into slices of approx. ½ cm. The grease from the bacon is poured into the battered egg yolk, chicken and porridge added. Sti

Mains Bacon Feta or grated cheese Fresh parsley ...

Cut a pocket into the chickens, add feta and parsley. Season with salt, pepper and peppers after which you pack them into bacon. Put in the oven for 1 hour at 180 gr, depending on how big the chickens are. Clean the potatoes and cut them half pasted and brush

Mains Liquid becel Pepper Salt ...

Put the bacon nuts on the forehead, let them cool off. Mash the vegetables and add them, together with the bacon nuts, to the farmer, along with salt and pepper. Stir the dad well through. Share the father in 4 pieces. At approx. 125 g. Per. PCS. Put two b

Mains Grated cheese Bacon Red onion ...

Put bacon on the pan and while chopping red onion, cut the sausages into suitable pieces (I cut them first and then in small pieces) Beat the eggs into a bowl and add milk and flour. Stir well until it is completely free of lumps. Add all ingredients and a

Mains Oil Green asparagus Garlic ...

Cook bulgur and let cool off. Cook asparagus 1 min. Let cool off. Chop tomato, garlic onion and parsley and turn into the chilled bulgur. Roll cod into bacon rose approx. 4 min. on every side.

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Pudding the darkness of the toes and fat. Cut them slices about 3 cm. Bring the slices well, season them and place them in a deep ovenproof dish. Bring the fried tomatoes in the dish, but save the wings. Cut the sausages into pieces of about 5 cm and make a