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Recipes with Bacon

Breakfast & brunch Pepper Salt Water ...

Stir the dough together. Bring it in a pie shape. Stir bacon and onions on the forehead for 4-5 minutes, possibly in a little butter. Pour onion and bacon as well as the battered egg and cream over the dough. Bake at 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Mains Dill Oil Pepper ...

Clean the potatoes and cut a cross into them. Bake in the oven at 200 ° for approx. 1 hour. Stir a dressing of yogurt natural with finely chopped dill, salt and pepper. Roll a slice of bacon around each tuna steak (swordfish, salmon or herring shark can als

Mains Herbs (basil, parsley, dill or a mixture of both) Oil/butter Pepper ...

plaice: Rasp and herbs are blended until the grating gets a green color. Add some salt and pepper. Turn the red skewers into the rasp and fry half a butter / oil for about 2-3 minutes. on every side. Brussels sprouts: Start boiling the cabbage in leached

Mains Oil/butter Pepper Salt ...

Plaice Fillets: Rinse the asparagus, cut the bottom piece (about 8-10 cm) and cut them appropriately to the width of the fillets. Preferably use green asparagus. Roll 3-5 asgarges pieces into each fillet and twist a piece of bacon about each roll. Season with

Mains Quite a bit maizenamel to jævning Cut parsley A little Basil ...

The chicken meat dries up, spices and brines in butter in a pan or pan and leaves under low until it is tender, approx. 20 min. The potatoes are peeled, halved and cut into triangles, boiling half-lent in water for approx. 8 min. Pick up, drip into a sieve

Mains Little Cranberry jelly Pepper Salt ...

Divide the pheasant in 4-6 pieces and get some bacon about each piece. Then brown the pheasants in butter in a large saucepan and come to the nuts. Just before it burns, fond and wine will come on and the dish will spin under the lid for approx. 30-40 minutes,

Mains Ground thyme Hvidkåls main Letknuste Juniper ...

The phases are connected to the wafers. Bacon is cut into cubes and swirled in a little butter and in the brune pheasants. The cabbage is cut into coarse strips and carrots in smaller pieces. Both are packed close to the pheasants with the spices sprinkled bet

Mains Go cajun poultry Dry sherry Hønsebouilon ...

Clean the poussins in cold water and wipe them off. Season each with Go Cajun Poultry and set aside. Mix the orange juice and the soy sauce. Rub the poussins into the mixture and wrap two strips of bacon around each bird. Put the poussons in an ovenproof dish