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Mains recipes

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Remove from the chili and chop chili kernene and garlic finely. Chop the parsley, and mix everything + the other ingredients along with the meat. Form 4 patties and fry them in a little oil in the pan. Tips: Accessories can eg. be:-potato wedges and sal

Mains Paprika Salt Lied ...

put a pan on the burner and put baconnet on. Inserts løjene into strips and put them on then, too. Let it cook a little and add a bit of paprika to give a little color. put so kyllingenternene and rice on and let it get Golden. Add the ham strips and season wi

Mains Fresh ginger on str with a potato finely grated Crushed black pepper Cut licorice ...

mix all spices except from salt and chili. Rub pork roast into it, but not swords. came the excess spices in a small heat-proof casserole dish that fits the roast. Let the roast dry on the countertop until it is completely dry. Prop slat into the cracks. Came

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Ossobucoen scratched their edges (so that the ik bends together) and sauté in the oil. Sample is split into 6 boats each, and sauté with. The skinned tomatoes, water, bulion, spices and coarsely chopped garlic added. The whole simmer, covered, for 2-2.5 hou

Mains Oil for frying Santa maria gril kdydderi (all round) Santa maria Curry ...

Brown chicken pieces in oil and about 2 tablespoons. gril ksydderi in ca. 4-5 my by strong heat take chicken pieces up and place them on a plate. com if necessary. a little more oil in Woken and add about 2 tablespoons of curry-ginger approximately 1 tablespo

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Bacon roasted in a pan is taken up on fedsugende paper and saved for garnish. Tenderloin cut into slices and reversed in flour and Brown in the Pan, be taken up on a plate. The onion into half slices Brown along with mushroom in skver. Add the tomato

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Cut the potatoes and eggplants for about ½ cm thin slices. Fry the aubergines in oil and put them on the fat-sucking paper. Fry the potatoes in oil, place them in the bottom of a greased casserole dish, put the aubergines on top. Saute the chopped onions

Mains Milk Pepper Salt ...

Swine koteletterne seasoned with salt and pepper, and place in a greased brunes, heat-proof platter. Onion cut into cubes, sausage into slices and bacon in cubes and sauté. Fine cream poured over and add salt and pepper to taste, and it all poured over kotelet