Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Cookies Eggs Vaniliesukker Sugar ...

All the ingredients are mixed and dough is cooled in the refrigerator for a few hours. Crane late formed by using an old-fashioned meat grinder with the desired template. Bake at 200 degrees for 5-10 my

Cookies Light syrup Cinnamon Carnations ...

Butter, sugar and syrup (250 g) cooked and cooled. Potasken touched off in a little cold water and add, then add rest of ingredients Rolled in sausage and cool in the refrigerator, a days time. Cut into thin slices. Bake at 200 degrees for about 5-10 my

Cakes Bicarbonate of soda Magarine Vaniliesukker ...

stir in eggs and sugar together, then joined butter in chunks in-pipe it together. com + milk + flour + soda in cocoa and stir the whole shebang together. came the dough in a greased (small) baking pan. style it on the lower Groove in a 170grader hot oven

Candy Syrup Wheat flour Cocoa ...

1) mix all ingredients (except chocolate) in a mould with high edge. 2) boil the mixture high effect in 4-5 min (600W) 3) stir a couple of times along the way. 4) pour the mass out on a piece of butter, roll it out into a thin, rectangular plate. Let it con

Cakes in form A few drops of lemon juice Grand Marnier Allspice ...

Oven preheated to 150 degrees. A 20 cm springform covered with baking paper. Paper greased and sprinkled lightly with flour. Butter and sugar whipped light and easy. The eggs are added gradually. Sift flour, baking powder, allspice, ginger, clove, cinnamon,

Cakes in form Light syrup Eggs Baking soda ...

mix the flour, baking powder, sugar and the chopped nuts together. Whisk eggs, syrup, milk and butter in another URskål.mos the banana and chop the chocolate and put it in tørvarene along with the other. Tips: If you do not have a muffinbageform then put

Lunch (to go) Butter for frying Onion (medium size Eggs ...

cut the onions finely. The flour is mixed with the meat and mix well. egg and onion put in and it all blended well together. butter is melted on the forehead and meanwhile formed FRY approximately etkvarter on both sides. (they may not be a n

Mains Water Pepper Eggs ...

Hvidkåls head is split into 4 quarters through the stalk. The stick is removed on each piece. The 4 pieces shared again lengthwise, then into thin slices and chop crosswise. White cabbage in a 7 l saucepan, which tilsætes approximately 1.5 litres of water a