Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Bread, buns & biscuits Yeast Junket Salt ...

5-kornsblandingen cooked in the 2-3 minutes in the water, after which it is cooled. Everything, except flour, stir in flour, Add to the dough gets rid.. The dough is kneaded and raises approx. 1 hour. Formes to buns and made after withdrawal in 20 minutes. Do

Cakes in form The rind from 2 lemons Bicarbonate of soda Salt ...

Ingredients are stirred together. Pour the dough in a greased form and bake 1 ½ hour at 170 degrees.

Various Eggs Oil (like olive oil) Salt ...

Start by mixing linseed, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds in a bowl. Pour the water over to cover kogene. Let stand for it almost is cold (about 3 hours). The milk is warmed in a pan. Water mixed in. mix yeast, salt and sugar together. When the yeast is melted

Cakes in form Baking soda Coconut oil Almonds are chopped ...

40 min in the oven. 200 degrees in the hot air. Heat oven up. Beat ægene with a machine. Add the oil and whisk thoroughly. Tag now bagepulvert in. You add the flour little by little. Then you take the bananas in and so the apples. Finally you nuts in

Cakes in form Baking soda Syrup, dark Wheat flour ...

Dough: Stir or whisk softened butter and sugar well. Stir in the eggs one at a time. Mix the flour and baking powder and stir it in alternating with the cream. Came the dough in a greased pie dish or small roasting pan and bake it in the oven at 170 degrees in

Bread, buns & biscuits Pilsner Salt Sugar ...

Stir the yeast into warm water. Add the beer, salt, sugar and flour. Tube wheat flour in the dough a little at a time, and knead it thoroughly. Came the dough in a large bowl, cover it with a damp Tea towel and set it to uplift a cold place in 3-4 hours. Knead

Appetizers Fresh coriander or parsley Oil for frying Pepper ...

Cut the green tomatoes into slices. Dip them first in a mixture of flour, salt, sugar and spices, then in the beaten egg and finally in breadcrumbs. Put them on a piece of wax paper. Halve the red tomatoes and scrape the seeds out. Cut the tomatoes into small

Bread, buns & biscuits Baking soda Floating fat Kartemomme ...

Turn the oven on 200 gr. Whip eggs and sugar fluffy Add the margarine and whisk it together Add the flour, baking soda, kartemomme and nuts and stir it all together. UL dough into 4 long pieces and press them flat. Behind them in the middle of the oven ca.