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Recipes with Wheat flour

Cakes in form Kokus Vaniliesukker Cocoa ...

Procedure: The dough Sugar and margarine are whipped together with hand mixes. (Use from now on whipping) Eggs added - possibly. One at a time. Milk is added. Mixed flour is made from flour, baking soda, cocoa and vanilla sugar. Mel mixture is sieved under

Cakes Milk Icing sugar Desiccated coconut ...

First stir the sugar and egg together Mix thoroughly with milk, flour, baking soda, vanilla sugar and cocoa finally add the 300g magarine. Bake for 20 minutes at 190-200 degrees while stirring the filling. As soon as it comes out, the grease is lubricated

Midnight snacks Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Pil the lie and cut them into fine rings or strip them in the food processor, melt the fat into a large soup pot, put the bulb in and raise them until they are clear, the onions do not turn brown. Sprinkle the flour and stir well together, spoon it with bro

Cakes in form Salt Vanilla essence Baking soda ...

Melt the chocolate and butter in a spawn, take care so that it does not burn. Let it cool down. Pour sugar into the bowl and mix each egg well in the sugar mass. Knock one at a time and mix until the deb becomes a form of eggshell, soft and airy. Add the

Bread, buns & biscuits Acacia honey Oatmeal Olive oil ...

The 3-grain mixture is boiled for approx. 2 dl. Water (of 5 dl.) With gentle heat for 4 minutes. Mix the mixture in a bowl with milk, the rest of the water, honey and oil. After cooling (for hand-held) the yeast is mixed. Both types of flour are mixed with oa

Cookies Wheat flour Of each: Ginger + cinnamon + white pepper + cardamom + baking soda + soda Whipped cream ...

Butter and sugar are whipped together, the cream is whipped, the rest of the ingredients are mixed and kneaded. Turn to balls 1x1 cm and bake at 200 degrees for 7-10 minutes (they do not flow during baking) Be careful they do not get too dark at the bottom.

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Soy sauce Rye flour ...

1. Wheat flour, rye flour, sunflower seeds, grains of cereal and lettuce are mixed together in a bowl. 2. Take another bowl and mix soy and water, this is simmered in a microwave oven and add the yeast. 3. Add the liquid to the flour mixture gradually, stirr

Mains Eggs Wheat flour Pepper ...

1. Dip the schnitzels together with whipped egg and turn into the mixture of rasp and flour, fry in 4-5 min each side. 2. Sauce: Onions, mushrooms and 2 slices of bacon chopped and swirled together. Broth and sherry added. The sauce is flavored, peeled and ad