Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Mains Watercress Wasabi Coarse salt ...

Clean and dry the Cod. Advantage ca. 1 tablespoon of the salt in the belly of the fish and place the uncovered in the refrigerator for about 1 hour. Rinse the salt off of the cod and dry it. Sprinkle a thin layer of salt in the oven baking pan. Brush the fish

Appetizers Lemon juice Pepper Canola oil ...

Celery dealt, the top is cut off (the tender leaves and ca. 2 stems are stored). Flour, salt and water together to invert the paste is smooth, not sticky but still coherent. The dough rolled out and packed tightly around the tuber-then bake in the oven at 160

Mains Dill, fresh Flûte. fine. industry made to order Pepper ...

Husblasen soak in cold water ca. 5 min. Cook the water up and melt husblasen herein. When the mass is lukewarm touched it in flødeosten. Refrigerate and turn the chopped herbs, lemon juice, salt and pepper in. Whip the cream to foam and turn it in the mass. St

Mains Salt Parsley chopped Carrots, sliced ...

Cut the fish in 4-5 cm long pieces, roll them and hold them together with skewers. Put potatoes, carrots and fish in the Pan, sprinkle salt on and pour the water in. Pressure 4-5 minutes-cool quickly. Take the stick (e) out of the fish. A regular court with bu

Bread, buns & biscuits Sugar Salt Yeast ...

Stir the yeast with salt water and then add the sugar and the oil. now stir the rest of the ingredients in and gradually the dough, there must be pasted is stirred thoroughly. The dough is taken to be to raise the cool in my 10 hours. turn on the oven at 25

Mains Vinegar or white wine Salt Lemon juice ...

Scrape the fish and cut the fins off, rinse and dry them and cut them into 7-8 cm long pieces, sprinkle with salt and let them stand and pull 5 min. mix the ingredients to boil the brine in a pan that is large enough to accommodate fish pieces. Arrow and enter

Mains Pepper Salt Finely chopped parsley ...

Scrape the fish and cut the fins off, rinse them quickly in cold water and dry them, cut them into approximately 8 cm long pieces. Put them on a Board with skin side down and sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Stuffing: chop them coarsely and Darin Arrow t

Desserts (cold) Cinnamon, ground Water Icing sugar ...

Stikkelsbær clean nippes and thoroughly rinsed. Berries, water and sugar to the boil at low heat, and småkoger until bærene begin to burst and smooth, there must still be whole Berry back. The berries cool. Cinnamon cream: whip the cream to lightly whipp