Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Desserts (patisserie) Sugar Egg yolk Egg white ...

Bottom: whisk eggs and sugar white and frothy. Turn the flour and baking powder in the dough in a greased. come springform and bake it at 200 degrees c. alm. oven in 25-30 minutes. Let the cake cool slightly before it is taken out of the mold and place on a

Desserts (patisserie) Liqueur wines Vanilla sugar Corn starch ...

Eggs, sugar and cornstarch whipped together and then add milk and coffee. Warm the cream during whipping up, take the of flared after it has been thick and season to taste with vanilla sugar. Spray pie bottoms with a little liqueur wine and put them together w

Cakes in form Water Baking soda Sugar ...

Eggs and sugar whipped fluffy, chocolate is melted with a little water and stir in Flour, cocoa and baking powder sifted. in, and invert gently around. Bake in pie molds or skip the molds that are greased and sprinkled with flour, at 225 degrees c. alm. ove

Mains Bruner Smoothness Potatoes ...

RIDs approximately ½ cm down in swords and rub the salt and pepper well down in the roast. Add Bay leaves in the scratches you make. Pour water at the roast and add the onions and carrots, you can add Bay leaves in the water as it gives a really good flavor. C

Sides Pepper Tomato both Chicken broth ...

Saute tomato puree in butter and pour bulguren in and let the right turn in tomato. Pour the water on and along with the rest. Some gruel is for 10 minutes and then rests for 10 minutes. Server for the dishes you normally use rice for

Cakes in form Fresh fruit Chopped nuts Margerine ...

Margerinen whipped white with the sugar, the egg yolks in a mixing Cup at a time. Mix the flour and baking powder is stirred into the batter alternately with water. The dough is divided on 2 pie molds with cut wax paper. The egg whites whipped very stiff, t

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Share the cabbage in 1/8 parts from top to root and remove as much of the stalk, then the cabbage just stuck together. Boil the cabbage almost tender in salted water. Drain and add the cream, let it simmer for the cream has texture as a letjævnet sauce. Season

Sauces A little bit of paprika Onion Red Peppers ...

chop onion and pepper coarsely and got it in a pan where the FRY. Let it simmer for about 2 min. then mix it all together. season with paprika Tips: must seem very thick as purré